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Creating an Add to Cart component with states, but also fixing cart icon to top when scrolling

Community Beginner ,
Aug 23, 2023 Aug 23, 2023

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I have a dilemma...I am wanting to create an add to cart button that when clicked 'adds' to the cart in the top right corner. I figured an efficient way to do this was to make the whole thing a component with states 1-10 (I'm guessing XD doesn't have an infinity option) and then the button when clicked gets assigned to a different state each click.

Screen Shot 2023-08-24 at 10.31.48 AM.png


The issue now is this is a long page and I would like the menu bar at the top to be a fixed position when scrolling. But because my cart icon is connected to the add to cart button at the bottom is this possible? Or do I need to try another method. 


I know to create frames in XD you need to create a new artboard for each but it seems like a lot of work for just a small funtionality. If there is a better way to do this I'm all ears!











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