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Duplicated stock photos on library when saved as favorites or purchased + watermark on licensed ones

Community Beginner ,
Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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It seems to be a problem related with the way stock photos link with the Xd library. 

When a photo is saved with the heart icon on the stock site, it automatically loads 2 photos on the Xd library.

If the save button is pressed again it logs another duplicate, and so on.

Even when you purchase the photo, another duplicate is created.


Besides this, when some pictures are exported they show the watermark (and they are already purchased). We have to delete all duplicated previews from the Xd gallery, save the favorite again and now reexport (don't know if this bug is related with the previous one).


Tested on the latest version


PS: Both problems are a big hindrance. We rely on the stock-to-Xd link feature to work at a good pace and now we'll have to re-check everything to see if it's correctly exported and clean a constantly clogged library.


Import and export , Known Issue , Product performance






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