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Export to PDF not working

New Here ,
Sep 28, 2023 Sep 28, 2023

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Last week, exporting XD artboards to PDF suddenly stopped working. The day before, I could export, and then suddenly I started to get an error message that just says "There was a problem exporting your asset" with a link to a generic troubleshooting page. The designer who created the files can export without an issue, and I seem to have edit access on the file. Something is just preventing me from exporting.

I've updated my OS and XD. I've restarted the program and my computer. I've logged out of my account and logged back in. The only thing I haven't done is reinstall the software.


The only other thing that I can think of that's unique about these files is that we use a custom company font, which has caused other types of issues in the past, but I don't see any indication that's at play in this case.


Any advice?

Import and export






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