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How to Make multiple carousals on the same page?

New Here ,
Jun 21, 2022 Jun 21, 2022

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I cannot seem to prototype a carousel that functions like it actually would on a website. The transitions are not working. I'm trying to create something that looks like this example https://www.litmus.com (if you scroll down) Is it possible to create something like this on adobe xd? can anyone suggest some tutorial i can't seem to find anything helpful.


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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Jun 21, 2022 Jun 21, 2022

Hey there. Not sure which 'carousels' you are refering to. You can have multiple sliders / carousels on a page using component states - if that's what you need, I have a rough tutorial on how to do it.


If you are talking about the menu items on the left becoming active as you scroll down through the sections - it can't be achieved exactly like that in Xd, simply because there's no support for scroll triggers.


You can simulate this with auto-animate, but it will be more of a presentation / an




Community Expert ,
Jun 21, 2022 Jun 21, 2022

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Hey there. Not sure which 'carousels' you are refering to. You can have multiple sliders / carousels on a page using component states - if that's what you need, I have a rough tutorial on how to do it.


If you are talking about the menu items on the left becoming active as you scroll down through the sections - it can't be achieved exactly like that in Xd, simply because there's no support for scroll triggers.


You can simulate this with auto-animate, but it will be more of a presentation / animation, rather than a prototype. One way is with a keyboard trigger with the down arrow to jump between artboards and sections, but that's not really intuitive.


You could also make it so upon clicking on one of the items on the side, the page scrolls down to a particular section, but you won't have the extra effects like the rotating background wheel.





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New Here ,
Aug 06, 2022 Aug 06, 2022

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is there any way to make auto silder like we do it by time trigger between pages in the same page many times ?  but sure with out time trigger 





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