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Library components not working in files

New Here ,
May 24, 2022 May 24, 2022

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I have a library. I duplicated it and renamed it as it wanted to use it as a basis for a new library along the same lines but different (a light version of a dark theme style guide).


I have been able to edit the main instance of the components in this new style guide and also see it along with the other libraries within a new file I have set up to use components from.


All fine so far. However, when I copy a compontent from this new library file or apply it from the library in the new file it displays a version that is different in colour etc. It is not the component that is in the library file.


I even tried to create a brand new compontent in the library file. I updated the library in my new file and tried to add it from the library assets in the sidebar. It wouldn't add the compontent and came up with the attachment about components and conflicts. I've checked the component and it doesn't seem to be linked to any other components.


What is going on here?






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , May 24, 2022 May 24, 2022

By copying the library source document and creating a new Library from it, you now have 2 Libraries where all of the Assets have the same IDs. This is why you are seeing problems.


Instead, copy the canvas contents of original document and paste it into a new document. Then open the Assets Panel, and make sure all of the Assets are Local (i.e. not Linked to original Library). If you find any Linked Assets, right-click > Make Local. Once all of the Assets are Local, then you can safely Publish a




Adobe Employee ,
May 24, 2022 May 24, 2022

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By copying the library source document and creating a new Library from it, you now have 2 Libraries where all of the Assets have the same IDs. This is why you are seeing problems.


Instead, copy the canvas contents of original document and paste it into a new document. Then open the Assets Panel, and make sure all of the Assets are Local (i.e. not Linked to original Library). If you find any Linked Assets, right-click > Make Local. Once all of the Assets are Local, then you can safely Publish a new Library.


Hope this helps,







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