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Not able to download component instances from development link

Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2022 Nov 15, 2022

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I have the following artboards in which all components are marked for export. In the 16 number buttons that you can see, all are instances of a main component marked for export. However non of the individual components can be downloaded except the first number button is downloable. I have no clue why this is. The app has been updated to the latest version. Its extremely irritating because now i have to make copies of artboard just to download multiple assets. Even then multiple component states cannot be downloaded.








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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Nov 18, 2022 Nov 18, 2022

Hi @Arjun S J, I did some tests and (my prototype can be seen at https://xd.adobe.com/view/05318582-fa80-4d94-809e-cdfcb6768e62-5062/specs/ ) as I see it, only the main components can be downloaded. In terms of development, since the other parts of the components are going to be text in this case, only the main component would be enough. And I'd suggest marking only the background circle layer to be exported, since the deveoper would use it as a bg image of text. For toggle/pressed state of the




Community Expert ,
Nov 18, 2022 Nov 18, 2022

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Hi @Arjun S J, I did some tests and (my prototype can be seen at https://xd.adobe.com/view/05318582-fa80-4d94-809e-cdfcb6768e62-5062/specs/ ) as I see it, only the main components can be downloaded. In terms of development, since the other parts of the components are going to be text in this case, only the main component would be enough. And I'd suggest marking only the background circle layer to be exported, since the deveoper would use it as a bg image of text. For toggle/pressed state of the component, it can be downloaded after toggling the component (by tapping) in the prototype and then clicking the asset download (the code, "</>" symbol at the right sidebar) 
In my example, I also created a button with a check icon to show an example of component instances with images, in that case, image used in the instance needs to be seperately marked for export. You can see the file here if you want to check: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fuwwkkwtp4ax2kd/component-export-to-download.xd?dl=0 Hope this helps!





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