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There are few mockups added by the designer and he has left the org as well. The old work is not longer accepting the old password
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@Ranjitha38998819n3cl that's a security feature. Now if the former employeee was at the time creating these mockups on behalf of the company, he is liable to provide passwords for his work. I would withhold his paycheque until he unlocks them and allows you to save a copy of his work.
There's a chance they might still be reachable, so contact the employee who left the organization. They might be willing to share the password or recreate the link. The worst case scenario is if the design files are accessible, you could potentially recreate the mockups in Adobe XD from scratch. This would be time-consuming but might be the only feasible option.
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Thank you for the response
Reason may be due to the email id used with the registration went inactive/deleted when the employee left the company that caused the password invalid
In future, what is the suggestion to follow, is there a process to store the design mockups not tied up to the individual or migrate the work to the new person?
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@Ranjitha38998819n3cl if the person used a work computer, the user name and password may still be online. Not sure on a PC, but on a MAC it might be saved in the 'Keychain' utilities. Or if they saved the username and password on the computer in a 'Password Manager'
You could click on the click on the "Forgot your password" after the sign-in page:
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@Ranjitha38998819n3cl save a local copy to the server or computer or both. I always save a local copy and one to the Cloud...but mainly to my computer, as sometimes the internet will go offlines due to server updates