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Desde a sexta-feira passada (12/08/2022) tem acontecido esse erro quando abro o protótipo desenvolvido no Chrome. Aparentemente o erro apenas ocorre no Chrome pois o navegador Edge está carregando o protótipo normalmente.
Já realizei as etapas sugeridas pela Adobe para corrigir o erros mas não houve resultado. O meu navegador está atualizado e também realizei a limpeza de cache e histórico e até reiniciei o computador.
O problema também ocorre na exibição de outros protótipos.
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Hi Victorh20442966,
Thanks for sharing the details. Would you mind updating to XD 54.1 using this link and republishing the link?
If the problem persists, try the following solutions.
Meanwhile, let me ask around if
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Hi Victorh20442966,
Thank you for reaching out. I can open the prototype on my machine using Google Chrome. I am using Google Chrome Version 104.0.5112.79 (Official Build) (arm64). As you have already tried all the steps mentioned in this article. I would recommend re-installing Chrome and see if that help.
If the problem persists, please share the version of XD, Google Chrome version, and the OS build you're using. I'll share the details with the product team.
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Hello, I @@reinstalled Chrome and the display problem was solved however it @happened again today. @@I am using *XD* version, *Google Chrome * @64-bit version 104.0.5112.102 and my *operating system*: @@Windows 10 Pro Edition @version 21H2 @Installed on 13/10/2021 @Os Build 19044.1889 @Windows Experience Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.4180.0 @@I look forward to hearing from you. @@-- @@Our telephone service is available through the number <Removed by Moderator> @from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. @@For emergencies, please send your message to the department of interest: <Removed by Moderator>
Any questions, we are available. @@*Yours sincerely*,
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Hi Victorh20442966,
Thanks for sharing the details. Would you mind updating to XD 54.1 using this link and republishing the link?
If the problem persists, try the following solutions.
Meanwhile, let me ask around if there are any similar cases reported.