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I would like to create a team project so me and my collegue can work together with "Co-Editing".
Unfortunately we can't add each other into our projects. The error message (after click on email) tells that we have no permission. But in Creative Cloud, we both show up as "added".
What can we do? We both have installed the newest version of XD.
I have a business licence and he has an individual licence, but that shouldn't be a problem, I guess?
Thank you!
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Are we the only ones with this problem?
Perhaps a point to note: I work on a Mac, while my colleague uses a Windows machine.
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We have the same problem, how did you solve it? The answers from adobe to your issue, weren`t very helpful.
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If anyone knows the answer, we are still curious. Currently we are settled with the "workaround" of using another design tool for collaborative projects and convert the files in th end.
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Need to have same version of XD on all clients. Should not be a problem across Mac and Windows.
Should only have to Share Documents and any Libraries from 1 user to the other.
For the indiviual license, I think there may be some Sharing limitations for Free-tier accounts, but otherwise I am not aware of any issues. If this is the case, try Sharing from business account to free-tier account.
Hope this helps,
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Thank you for the support. He uses a paid single license (cancelable monthly) that only includes Adobe XD. I use the full CC with business license (annual billing).
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Sounds like it should work.
After the document is Shared by author, the other client should receive both an email and a notification where there is a link for opening this document directly. Or other client can go to Shared With You section of Welcome Screen to find the document. So, maybe try each of those methods.
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That's our problem: after we click the link in the invitation email, we get the message that there is no permission. And in the "Shared with you" folder, the project is not listed.
I have tried to reproduce the process with some screenshots:
This is the invitation email I got from my colleague (in German). It says "<person> has invited you to edit the following resource: <project name>.xdc" There I click on the button "Open".
After that I get to this page (it says "May this page open 'Adobe XD'? Cancel/Confirm). This is where I click on "Confirm".
Then Adobe XD starts and I get the error message "Unfortunately, we could not open this document. No permission to open this document. Get permission or check if you are logged in with the correct account." (Yes, I am logged in with my Business account).
The last screen shows the "Shared for you" folder where the project is not listed. (By the way, the project hidden here had actually worked - here my colleague had tested the free demo version. Now that he has a paid account, strangely it doesn't work.)
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Sorry that you're still having problems.
When logging in to some Adobe Creative Cloud accounts, you are prompted to select between "Personal account" or "Work or School account". If that's the case, then be sure to try both accounts.
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Hi jans46175315
Sorry for the trouble. In addition to what Randy has suggested, you may also check this article which might help you in better collaboration.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
We would be happy to help.
Thanks Randy Edmunds 2 for your contribution to the XD Community. Appreciate your help.