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Unable to export anything from XD for weeks! I tried uninstalling the app 3 times; nothing works!

New Here ,
Jun 04, 2023 Jun 04, 2023

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Hi there! 

I have been unable to export anything from Adobe XD for weeks. I've tried everything I could think of:

-Uninstalling the application and reinstalling it completely. 
-Opening a new document. 

Nothing works! And to clarify: it's not an issue with file size or type. I was able to export these before without issues and the files are all very small. 

I am writing here as I have been trying to get in touch with Adobe support for the past 2 weeks and am unable to get in touch with anybody! They have no support email, the only way to reach out is via a chat that nobody ever takes! 

I've opened the chat 8 times and each time I am told "We'll connect you with an agent as soon as possible." but NOBODY ever gets connected! 

One time I left the chat open for 5 hours during work without getting a single reply! 


Screenshot 2023-06-04 at 4.43.42 PM.png






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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 05, 2023 Jun 05, 2023

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Hi @maxp81114405 ,


We're so sorry to hear about the trouble. This issue may happen because of a lack of permissions, so would you mind checking if the folder location where you're trying to export has full permissions? Please try exporting to a local folder. If you have macOS,  please add XD to the full disc access list. You can access this from the Apple menu > System Settings  >  Privacy & Security > Full disc access.


Let us know if this helps or if you need further assistance.








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