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Camera Raw as an effects for AE

New Here ,
May 21, 2021 May 21, 2021

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Hi everybody!


My title is pretty straight foward, I was wondering if there is a possibility to intruduce camera raw as an effect color correction in After Effects (like in photoshop). I already know the trick to importe the footage as raw, but this technique has alot of inconveniant, the main one beign that you can't really adjust the effect afterward, it just ''applied''. I think that everybody that come from the graphic design industry/photography would be really please to see this tool in AE. I've talk to a couple of person that would be willing to intruduce it as a plugin, but I think it's obviously a better idea to ask you first 🙂


And while im here, are you planning to intruduce the same fonctionnality of the Curve effect in Photoshop to After Effetcs anytime soon? The fact that we still don't have a color picker in the curve is really a bummer.


Thank you so much for your time!




Feature request , Question






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