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FAQ and Known Issues for 3D Model Import

Adobe Employee ,
Oct 18, 2022 Oct 18, 2022

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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions, along with Known Issues in the current build. We will be keeping this page updated.

Last updated: Oct 18, 2022


Model Import


GLB, GLTF, and OBJ are currently supported. Other formats are possible in the future, please let us know what you need!

Animated models

Currently all models are static inside After Effects. Built-in animation will be supported in the future.

Camera and Lights

Cameras and lights in a 3D model are not currently imported. After Effects cameras and lights work with models in the composition.

Empty 3D Cache

There are a couple of cases where 3D model data must be extracted before After Effects can use the files: GLB files must be unpacked and OBJ files are converted to GLB. The new 3D Cache folder is stored in the same location as the default for the disk cache; this is currently not a user-definable location. Clicking the new Empty 3D Cache button in Preferences > 3D that deletes all files from this folder except for any cached files in use by the current project.

Where can I get 3D models?

Anywhere you can find them!
Models from Adobe Stock may have extended attributes that After Effects does not handle yet. Importing/exporting via Adobe Substance Stager will strip those attributes if you need to bring those files into After Effects.

How can I get a 3D model from Substance?

The easiest path is to import your model into Stager. Select the model, go to File > Export > Selected models, and choose either GLTF, GLB or OBJ to export.

How can I get a 3D model from Illustrator?

From the Asset Export panel you are able to export OBJ files. These can go directly into AE, or you can take them into Substance to apply materials first.

Can I edit 3D models in After Effects?

After Effects currently does not support 3D modeling. The focus is currently on PSR (Position/Scale/Rotation) animation of static models. If you would like to animate different meshes in your model, you'll need to extract them in other software and bring them in as separate models.

What sort of rigging is available?

Internal rigging/bones/joints are not accessible, however you can use parenting and expressions to connect 3D objects to each other as you have always been able to do.

My 3D Model imported weird?!

We tested a lot of models but are very interested in seeing what models you may be working with that are not importing correctly. Tell us about what you ran into!

Do you plan to support USDZ?

Currently under investigation. Let us know what you want supported!


Texture Formats

PNG and JPEG are the preferred formats. TIFF and MTL files are not currently supported for materials within your model.

Can I modify, change, or replace the materials on my model?

Not at this time. Keep watching that beta...

When I import some 3D models, it creates a folder for the files in the project, including a tex subfolder. What's up with that?

For future material support the texture files need to be imported into the project. The folder structure created in the project keeps things from getting messy. We'd appreciate your feedback about this.

Using Your Model in a Comp


In this first build, all layers will be lit by all lights in the scene. But shadows are not implemented yet, so you won't see results from Cast Shadows/Accept Shadows/Accept Lights.

How do I make this one specific area darker though?

It's a hack, and it may not stay, but setting lights to a negative intensity will remove light from the area surrounding it. You can use this to artistically simulate shadows while we build the engine out.

I added a light and now everything looks different?

Adding a light disables the default IBL (HDRI) included in a scene. Currently, there is no way to re-enable the IBL. Stay tuned.

Is this the final quality of your rendering engine?

We have only begun to work on rendering quality, and many attributes typical to rendering engines have not been implemented, for example - shadows or light occlusion. Stay tuned for a lot of future work on this, and help us build what you need by giving us feedback!


Changing the layer opacity for a model does not currently work.


Can you apply 2D effects to 3D model layers?

2D effects are not supported on 3D model layers. However you can add an adjustment layer that uses your model as a Track Matte to add effects to those rendered pixels. Keep in mind that the Track Matting does not take occlusion by other layers into account.
Please see the Known Issue below regarding Effects in Mercury 3D.

My 3D text layer isn't intersecting with other layers? What gives, I thought this was a unified 3D Space?

Remove (don't just disable) all effects on the 3D layer as this is breaking the binning and you're rendering into different 3D spaces.


Can I create 3D primitives?

3D primitives are not yet supported. You can extrude shape or text layers, which can provide a limited amount of primitive-like objects (cubes and cylinders). and if you are using text you have bevel options. You cannot apply materials to these layers, but you can modify various parameters.

Can I curve or warp 2D layers in 3D?

2D plane layers (solids, footage, pre-comps, etc.) can be curved in 3D space. Enable the 3D layer switch for the layer, then twirl open the layer properties > Geometry Options. There is no option or effect to warp layers in 3D, currently.

Can I access AOVs for my models or scene?

Not at this time.

Is this production ready? Can I start making stuff?

Yes and no. Currently, 3D model import is very, very stable and capable of making beautiful and powerful things. However, as this is currently in active development, there's no guarantee that a project made yesterday will render exactly the same today.

Known Issues

  • Mercury 3D - Effects on Adjustment Layers: Some effects are not working on Adjustment layers when using Mercury 3D. NOTE: If you run into this issue, we would love your feedback on which effect you were using that did not work.
  • Mercury 3D: Can get a blank frame applying effect to nested 3D comp. NOTE: If you run into this issue, we would love your feedback on which effect you were using that caused it to happen.
  • Mercury 3D: Disabled Effect on Text Layer causes a bin break. A 3D text layer with Per-Character 3D enabled breaks the 3d render order and doesn't combine with imported 3d models. Workaround: Removing the per-character 3d functionality corrects the render order issue.
  • Mercury 3D: Able to get into a state where no layers are visible unless they have the solo switch on.
  • Mercury 3D: When Layer Styles are applied, the composition can stop attempting to preview, and kick out an error: Cached Preview needs 2 or more frames to playback.
  • C4D models: Some exported models from Cinema 4D don't render at default Model Settings values. If you get an empty bounding box upon import, try modifying a scale value.


Feature request






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New Here ,
Feb 17, 2023 Feb 17, 2023

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I just updated AE today & am trying to import .obj or .glb files. But the program still won't import them.

I've tried re-exporting, and also tried using the "All files" option. Our team is pushing dealines, so I really would appreciate any feedback as to where I'm going wrong.





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 17, 2023 Feb 17, 2023

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Hi @johnn56702347,


3D model import is currently only available in After Effects Beta. The current beta version of After Effects Beta is 23.3 build 32.


It sounds to me like you're looking in the public release build of After Effects, which is version 23.2.


You can install After Effects Beta, or update to the latest version, via the Creative Cloud desktop app. More information about Beta apps is available here:





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Feb 20, 2023 Feb 20, 2023

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I am tried import .obj in my After, but in list not appear extension. I update After Effects for 23.2 and still not appear in list of import.

I am creating the file to Blender, follow all indications and even no work.

Follow prints.





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 21, 2023 Feb 21, 2023

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Hi @Ciro28497102o6xu,


3D model import is currently only available in After Effects Beta. The current beta version of After Effects Beta is 23.3 build 36.


It sounds to me like you're looking in the public release build of After Effects, which is version 23.2.


You can install After Effects Beta, or update to the latest version, via the Creative Cloud desktop app. More information about Beta apps is available here:





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Explorer ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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I love this new functionality! Obviously baby steps, but it feels like an intelligent approach to bringing 3D within AE. I'd love ablity to edit model textured in AE (via the tex folder). I imported a GLTF and wish a tex folder was generated to further manipulate or tweak textures (animate them maybe). Look forward to animations within GLB, GLTF to be supported as well. I see nothing w/ C4D as renderer but Mercury 3D looks fine. I assume this render handles PBR textured rendering like Substance apps? Will there be HDRI support for lighting? DOF and Motion Blur would also be great. Anyways, keep up the great work! 





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Hi @NimpsyStudio!


We're glad you're enjoying using 3D models in After Effects Beta. I've passed your positive comments along to the team.


What are the top 3-5 features that you'd like to see added to 3D model import and rendering in After Effects? We'll include your feedback with the other requests and data that we've been gathering.


> I see nothing w/ C4D as renderer but Mercury 3D looks fine.

This is correct. Rendering 3D models in After Effects Beta relies on the Mercury 3D comp renderer. You can add a model to a comp with the Cinema 4D or Classic 3D renderers, but the models will not render.


Behind the curtain the After Effects team is actively developing the 3D model import and rendering features. Everything you mentioned in your post is somewhere on our list, so it's really a matter of prioritizing which feature the team works on next. Some of what you requested is in progress already but not ready to be exposed in After Effects Beta yet, so I'll simply say "stay tuned"!





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Explorer ,
Mar 01, 2023 Mar 01, 2023

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Top 4 Features would be: animated 3D file support, access to models textures with ability to edit live on model, decent PBR rendering of models in viewport and rendering (like Illustrator's 3D tools rendering quality, is it same engine?), ability to react to motion blur and DOF with AE's camera's like any other asset.





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Participant ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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I was very happy to see native 3D in AE (I wait already over 10 years for that step) . But now I'm afraid again,  because nothing new happened  since mounths?. I hope you know, that the actual 3D functions are faaaaaaaar from usable for VFX and Motion Graphics? You realy should work day and night to add more and more new 3D functions to make it in some years realy competitive with Nuke and co.!

This programs are 10 years in front in this area.

Please show us that you mean it serious with 3D for VFX and Motion Graphics  and release every update some new 3D functions!

Thx Patrick! 





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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Hi @pat pro,


Thanks for your feedback. The After Effects team is actively developing the 3D model import and rendering features. Most of the changes since this was announced last fall have been evolutionary (bug fixes, performance improvements, render quality improvements, etc.), so we haven't made any additional announcements. But we do want to hear what you think about the features and what you would like to see in the future.


What are the top 3-5 features that you'd like to see added to 3D model import and rendering in After Effects? We'll include your feedback with the other requests and data that we've been gathering.


Please keep in mind that right now these features are a work in progress. This is why they're only available in After Effects Beta, and not the main public release builds of After Effects. What you see in After Effects Beta does not necessarily represent what will be available when the features are moved to the public release builds, and we have plans to continue developing and adding features even after the first version is moved to the public release builds.





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Participant ,
Feb 27, 2023 Feb 27, 2023

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Here are my short first list: 

1)  Fbx, abc, usd, vdb, Support (import/export) 

2)Texture/Shader Editor (PBR Support) with a link to Substance Painter/Designer to work on it.

3)Primetives and basic modeling tools/deformer to create simple meshes for camera mapping direct in AE
4) Raytrace Support (Light, Shadows, Reflections) (on GPU)
- Matte Shadow Material
- IBL with HDRI Maps (Dome light) 
- New Lights (Raytracing support) with more parameters like texture projection.
5) New Camera with simple camera mapping support and real world parameters like stops, sensor size ...
- Camera mapping tools
- Lens distortion tools
- Focal estimation tools
6) Support of 3D volumes and point clouds (vdb.)
7)Smart 3D Particle system with Physics (node editor)
8)Advanced Camera Tracker (more manual control, constrains, import/export to all 3D packages)

9) Possibility to streaming Unreal Scenes to AE (for Virtual Production/Realtime VFX)

10) 3D Object Tracking with 3D Meshes (for 3D object/face replacement etc.)

11) A simple 3D Rigging tool like Mixamo  with a mocap library direct in AE 


I think, that would be a good start 😉


What are your 3D plans for the next releases? 


regards Patrick! 





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Community Expert ,
Mar 03, 2023 Mar 03, 2023

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Just wondering--what expression/scripting access is (or will be) available for 3D object attributes (height,width,depth)?





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Adobe Employee ,
Mar 06, 2023 Mar 06, 2023

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Hi @Dan Ebberts,


Very good question. We're still gathering the requirements for API access (plug-in, scripting, and expressions) for 3D models. As several things are still in flux with the architecture, we've not yet begun to implement API's.


What properties of 3D models do you want to be able to access via scripting and expressions? Which should be accessed via project items and which via layer items?





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Community Expert ,
Mar 06, 2023 Mar 06, 2023

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I don't think I know enough yet to have a good answer for you, but it would certainly include someting like sourceRectAtTime(), for both scripting and expressions, that would give you the extents of the object in 3 dimensions.





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Apr 04, 2023 Apr 04, 2023

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I've been trying to import the GLB, GLTF, and OBJ and it's still not showing as supported. I have re-downloaded and made sure all updates are clear (ver 23.3, Build 53) with the After Effects I'm using. Do I need any additional plug-ins? I'm just starting out in the 3D space so am not sure...





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Adobe Employee ,
Apr 04, 2023 Apr 04, 2023

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At this time, 3D model import is only available in the public beta version of After Effects. You can download the latest beta from the Beta Apps tab of the Creative Cloud app.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Adobe has plans to create some native alternative to import separate 3d models(scene 3d) to animate them. For animate different meshes separate models.





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Community Beginner ,
Jun 13, 2023 Jun 13, 2023

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Other questions about the .glb format within After Effects
1- Doesn't accept transparency effect (refraction)?
2-Not identifying the repetition of the texture (configured tile of the 3d object)?
3-Doesn't it accept any native effects from After Effects?
4-Don't accept masks?
5-Doesn't it cast shadows between models?





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Explorer ,
Jun 20, 2023 Jun 20, 2023

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I can't get Falloff to work with Parallel Lights using the Mercury 3D engine. Works okay with Spot and Point lights. Known issue?

Best, John.





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Adobe Employee ,
Jun 21, 2023 Jun 21, 2023

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Hi @John Dickinson 3D!


Falloff not working with parallel lights is currently a known issue, yes.





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New Here ,
Aug 30, 2023 Aug 30, 2023

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Hello !

I seem to have an issue with the rendering of 3D models (GLTF files from Illustrator) in After Effects: each frame looks good on my timeline but everytime I export my comp through Media Encoder there's a glitch around the object (some kind of box/place holder that appears randomly for a few frames). I've changed every export options and the glitch alwas appears no matter what.
I've attached two screenshots, one of the exported comp with the "box" aorund it and another one of the next frame without the glitch.
I'm working on a 2020 M1 Macbook Pro / 16go RAM and the After Effects Beta version I'm using is 24.0.0 (Build 44)

Thank you !






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Community Beginner ,
Sep 27, 2023 Sep 27, 2023

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It seems that every file I try to import into AE beta is blank. I can see the 3d bounding box, but it does not show the model. 


Ways I have tried. 

Exported obj straight from zbrush ( size 11.9mb )

Exported gtl from substance painter and tried to import both the gtlf and glb files. 


The files sizes are not gigantic. In fact, the model was a sphere with textures from substance applied to it in the case of substance. 

The file seems like it imports just fine. It just doesn't show up. 


I downloaded a random model from sketchfab and it imported perfectly ( glb )


What can I try? 






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Community Beginner ,
Sep 27, 2023 Sep 27, 2023

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Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 7.36.41 AM.png

Screenshot 2023-09-27 at 7.37.45 AM.png

 I tried what I think is every combination and I'm stumped





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New Here ,
Sep 27, 2023 Sep 27, 2023

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Same thing happening for me. Just tried exporting GLB from Adobe Dimension as a test - But see nothing other than a bounding box.





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 27, 2023 Sep 27, 2023

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Some more information about this. If I upload my exported .glb file to sketchfab and then let it process, and then download it again I can import it just fine into AE beta. So it tells me Sketchfab does something to the model that makes it work.





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Nov 28, 2023 Nov 28, 2023

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Same for me. Did you find a solution already?





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