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When working with timeline/keyframes/graph editor I am experiencing extreme lag.
I thought initially that was my workstation fault (Win 11 latest update, 3080 nvidia latest update, i10900k, 64gb ram) but then I found on Twitter a lot of people with the same issue.
Here's the source post (there's also a gif showing the issue):
How to reproduce: create some layers and drag them around, also happens with keyframes and sometimes, also affects the graph editor.
As a daily/heavy AE user I think this is a tier 1 issue, makes working with projects a real struggle.
Hope sometimes in the future timeline operations can be as smooth as in "Skew" plugin! ( - not an ad, just for reference and comparison)
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Hi @andy-mrio,
Thank you for reporting this issue. We are investigating but we have not yet been able to reproduce this in-house. There must be some factor on the affected systems (a driver, plug-in, etc) that is contributing to the lag in the Timeline. What are your system's specs and what extensions/plug-ins do you have installed?
Something to try in the latest Beta: We very recently added a Safe Mode to After Effects (Beta), along with an Effect Manager. Details are available here. If possible, please try starting After Effects in Safe Mode with default preferences and no third-party plug-ins. Is the lag still present when running in Safe Mode?
Thanks again for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Hi @JohnColombo thanks for the reply, so nice to hear back so soon from the team.
Will try as you suggest, today I was able to reproduce the same behavior in the latest beta (I keep the beta clean with no plugin migration).
Will get back as soon as I can do the test (detailed system specs as well) , have a nice weekend.
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Hi, @JohnColombo back after a thorough testing session.
Will pm you a screen capture (can't post it here since it's client work).
System specs:
Windows 11 Professional (100.0.22621)
Nvidia 3080 (studio driver 528.49)
64gb ram
intel 10900k
No antivirus/firewall/VPN etc...
The only program active in the tray is Logitech ghub (mouse management)
Backup system (Acronis) was turned off for this test to be on the safe side.
No other software open other than AE.
in 22.6 operations in the timeline are smooth and responsive
in 23 all versions + latest beta: lagging timeline operations (same as other people reported)
As I hear more feedback, this has happened for a lot of people since version 23
Also, today in the same Twitter thread someone added this memory leak feedback, don't know if it's part of the same issues.
Let me know if I can provide more information,
Thank you
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I can upload a file that its happening in, are project file uploads only available to devs and adobe staff?
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Thanks for responding! To keep the project private, please send me a private message here on the forum with a link. Links and uploads in public posts would be available to anyone.
Thanks so much,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Also, is the lag you're seeing specific to big projects? And did it begin/get much worse in recent versions e.g. 23.1 or 23.2?
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Seems to be on all my projects. Specifically the click release lag. I can't say for certain but this is the first project I have worked on in 23.1 and I have never noticed it before at least not the bad and this consistently. Ill PM you! Thank you
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Sorry John, still no project files. Just heads down on this project and will get back to it. But maybe this info is helpful 22.6.0 is silky smooth, same project, same scripts installed.
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Good news: we've been able to reproduce the lag in 23.x builds and a potential fix is now available in the latest Beta, If possible, please install that latest Beta build and let us know if the performance on your system has been restored to match 22.6. We are looking at a possible patch for 23.2 if the fix is also looking good for Beta customers.
This fix is not intended to fix the long-standing UI performance issues facing After Effects (we are also actively looking at those) but we are aiming to restore the performance to 22.x levels and then improve it from there in future releases.
Thanks again for reporting this issue,
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Thank you and the team for the swift response!!!! Installing now and will let you know how to it goes. Sorry I didnt get you a file over, but glad you were able to recreate.
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pretty heavy lagging also with the moving of the Work Area Start & End handles. Put some audio footage in the comp: unfold till you see the waveform and move the handles. They are lagging.
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@Taylor Jon Peters Thank you for the confirmation! Glad to see the performance restored. We aren't done working on this, but it's great to see the performance restored to what it was previously.
@moebius90009 Thank you for reporting this! We can reproduce it as well and have opened a ticket to investigate. It doesn't appear related to the recent lag that was fixed, but we will investigate it as we're looking into improving the UI interaction performance.
- John, After Effects Engineering Team
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Thank you for helping test the fix that has now been released in 23.2.1. We've continued to investigate other situations where the timeline is lagging, and have another fix rolling out to AE Beta right now in 23.3, build 43. This fix has shown to increase performance, especially on Windows, for timeline scrubbing as well as layer and keyframe movement when all layers are contained within the composition.
If you have projects that have demonstrated continued lag after the 23.2.1 fix, please download build 43, try it out and let us know how it's working for you.