When working with ARRI ALEXA MINI ProRes4444XQ footage
lumetrics glitching, jumping on individual frames up and down. Very slightly, on all colors.
Rendering ProRes4444XQ. On each render in different places glitch. Some glitch remaining in the same places.
1. M1 Max export resulting lots of glitches
2. Intel based mac less glitches
3. On the same render setting form M1 max and Intel mac different color results.
4. On After Effects version 23.x.x Perfect renders without any glitches or errors.
This problem was always with the new updates of After effects. Now it's taking too long.
Impossible to work. Always need to to make final renders on older version.
Problem on this machines:
After Effects version 24.3.0
macOS 14.4.1
macbook Pro M1 max
and also:
After Effects version 24.0.1
macOS 14.0
Intel macPro 2019