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After Effects 2023 render (aerender.exe) - TTF Files not working on render

Community Beginner ,
Mar 20, 2024 Mar 20, 2024

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We found an issue with using ttf files when rendering in After Effects 2023 (aerender.exe). When using a ttf font and using a distributed render system like Deadline, the font does not load and the render output displays a default font.



1. AE 2023 project is loaded and layer created with a ttf font

2. The comp is added to a render queue and sent to our farm

3. When the render output comes up, the font has not loaded and in stead renders a default font

4. Render log states that there are fonts missing, despite the ttf fonts being loaded on the render nodes.


Troubleshooting steps:

1. Opened AE 2023 (GUI) on several render nodes and the same project that failed to render the correct font, loads the font properly.

2. Deleted the ttf font and replaced with a converted OTF font on the offending nodes, resubmit the job and output with correct font is confirmed.

3. Tested the same method using AE 2022, outputs rendered as expected with proper ttf fonts loaded.


This seems to be an issue with the 2023 aerender.exe as that is what is being loaded through our render farm (not the gui). Bringing up the projects in AE 2023 GUI, the font loads properly.


OS: Windows 10

Primary After Effects Build Tested: AE 2023 23.6.2 (Build 5)
Several older version of AE 2023


Would love to see this addressed quickly as Adobe no longer offers AE 2022 for download and AE 2024 isn't supported by the current version of deadline. The solution for now is to remove all TTF fonts from our central repo, convert and replace with OTF fonts and delete old TTF fonts from the render nodes.

Bug Unresolved






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