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Composition Marker > Settings Modal very slow to open with data managed by plugin

Explorer ,
Jun 02, 2024 Jun 02, 2024

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I develop a plugin that relies on composition markers and layer markers to store metadata.


Bug found on 23.6.2 , reproduced on 24.4.1


I was surprised to see that the limit of the comment of the markers had been upgraded, I can store 10MB without problem in a marker when there was a hardcoded limit like 4KB or 8KB limit a few years ago if I remind correctly.


From the script, there is no time problem, it seems to be instant (10MB takes about 1s to store).


From the UI, there is just a little problem, the modal display time increases with the comment content... 


To reproduce the bug:

- start from an empty project

- create a composition

- run the following script (I use ESTK)

- right click (on the composition marker) -> settings 


var comp = app.project.item(1);

var amount = 1000 * 1000; // 1 MB
var comment = (new Array(amount + 1)).join("x");
comp.markerProperty.setValueAtTime(2, new MarkerValue(comment));


This code creates a marker with a comment made of "x" repeated "amount" of times.


With amount = 1000 (1KB), the modal opens directly.

With amount = 1000 * 1000 (1MB), After Effects takes 1min 10 secs to open the modal, software totally blocked until the modal is displayed.


Is it possible to fix the delay of "Settings" modal opening ?

Bug Unresolved
Scripting , UI and UX






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