When Source Text property of a text layer is exposed as Essential Property in AE versions prior to 23.6 only text change without styling is being applied to source layer. Sice adding Essential Properties (EP) to Properties panel in 23.6 and enabling font styling options for text properties it looks like the whole TextDocument is now being forwarded to the source layer, which is great. The problem is the essential property was apparently stored as TextDocument with all font styling data in project file also in previous versions, which might lead to unexpected styling changes when opening old project in AE 23.6 as the essential property value might carry some styling changes that were not visible in older AE.
Adobe After Effects version number
Steps to reproduce
- Create a new project in AE 23.5 (also 22 can be used, or any older version supporting EP)
- Create a Comp 1 with a text layer using font A and add "Source Text" property to EP
- Create another Comp 2, add Comp 1 as a new layer and edit text value using EP on that layer
- Change font on text layer in Comp 1 to font B and save the project
- When previewing Comp 2 in AE 23.5 you will see font B, in 23.6 font A
Expected result
The font should not change without warning when opening a project in newer version.
I would expect to see font B also in 23.6 or at least some warning with option to fix it in the entire project.