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Different font styling when using Essential Property to modify text in AE 23.6 vs previous versions

Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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When Source Text property of a text layer is exposed as Essential Property in AE versions prior to 23.6 only text change without styling is being applied to source layer. Sice adding Essential Properties (EP) to Properties panel in 23.6 and enabling font styling options for text properties it looks like the whole TextDocument is now being forwarded to the source layer, which is great. The problem is the essential property was apparently stored as TextDocument with all font styling data in project file also in previous versions, which might lead to unexpected styling changes when opening old project in AE 23.6 as the essential property value might carry some styling changes that were not visible in older AE.


Adobe After Effects version number



Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new project in AE 23.5 (also 22 can be used, or any older version supporting EP)
  2. Create a Comp 1 with a text layer using font A and add "Source Text" property to EP
  3. Create another Comp 2, add Comp 1 as a new layer and edit text value using EP on that layer
  4. Change font on text layer in Comp 1 to font B and save the project
  5. When previewing Comp 2 in AE 23.5 you will see font B, in 23.6 font A


Expected result

The font should not change without warning when opening a project in newer version.

I would expect to see font B also in 23.6 or at least some warning with option to fix it in the entire project.

Bug Investigating
Compositing and VFX , UI and UX






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

Hi @Martin Kosdy,

Thanks very much for letting us know about this issue. We are able to reproduce it as well in 23.6 and will be investigating a fix.


Thanks again,

- John, After Effects Engineering Team  

Status Investigating



Adobe Employee ,
Aug 15, 2023 Aug 15, 2023

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Hi @Martin Kosdy,

Thanks very much for letting us know about this issue. We are able to reproduce it as well in 23.6 and will be investigating a fix.


Thanks again,

- John, After Effects Engineering Team  

Status Investigating





Advocate ,
Oct 05, 2023 Oct 05, 2023

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I am seeing this behavior on comps that were originally created in AE 23.6.0, not just when opening documents from older versions. Any changes to the certain text style attributes like typeface or point size are ignored after new source text has been applied to that nested comp through Essential Properties. It's like the style gets locked in as soon as the essential property comes into play. Prior to setting the EP source text, the font style does update correctly.





Advocate ,
Oct 19, 2023 Oct 19, 2023

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Has there been any progress on this? I see the same behavior in AE 24.0.0. A major client of mine only just upgraded from AE/PP 22.x to 23.x, and they have a ton of MOGRTs in production, so I'm expecting things to start going haywire any moment.


And in the meantime, what is the best workaround for fixing projects, particularly MOGRTs, that are exhibiting this problem? I can fix the styling in AE by using the "Pull From Primary Comp" button, but that nukes any expressions I have placed on the properties, so they have to be copied first, then pasted after pulling. It might be possible to build an expression to import the original property's text style, but as far as I can tell that would require explicitly referencing the corresponding property for each text Essential Property, which is even more work. Passing the source text through a hidden or guide layer and linking it to the visible layer is a sturdier solution, but is also pretty labor-intensive. I had hoped maybe there was a scripting fix for this, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems we still can't actually determine what property an EP references via scripting, so there's no way to copy the text styling from the original property to the corresponding Essential Property of the nested comp layer.


So is copying the expression, pulling, and pasting the expression back the least bad option to get this quickly fixed?





Community Beginner ,
Dec 08, 2023 Dec 08, 2023

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Issue : Essential Graphics is not reflecting text font/size change from its source


Adobe After Effects version number : 24.1.0


Operating System : MacOs Sonoma 14.1.2


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a composition, let's call it "Title"
  2. Add a text layer to it
  3. Add the text layer's source text to essential graphics (Do not enable any of the 3 checkboxes in Source Text Properties)
  4. create a new blank composition, let call it "Blank"
  5. Add the "Title" comp to it
  6. In the properties panel>Essential Properties, change the text being displayed
  7. Go back to "Title" composition, and change the text layer font and/or size


Expected result : The "Blank" comp should reflect font/size changed in the template

Actual result : Nothing has changed in the "Blank" composition





Adobe Employee ,
Dec 08, 2023 Dec 08, 2023

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Hi @kricou,

Thank you for reporting this issue. This issue is known and a fix is currently being investigated. I will be merging this thread into an earlier report we have for this same bug.


Thank you again,

- John, After Effects Engineering Team 




