Temporaitly, I am working on an M1 iMac (my previous setup is a 2017 iMac). No matter what I do, I can only get After Effects 2023 (version 23.3.0) to ram preview 5 frames on my M1 iMac (using OS Ventura 13.3.1).
Attemps to solve the issue (that did not work):
-Lowered the preview resolution to quarter.
-Lowered preview resulution to render every 10 pixels.
-Lowered preview resolution to render every 99 pixels.
-Changed resolution of comp to 540 x 540
-Removed EVERYTHING from the comp except a solid color layer.
-Imported my existing AE project into a new AE project.
Additional info:
-No third party plugins
-AE 2023 was freshly installed on machine
-Absolutely NO ISSUES have come up while working on my old iMac. The issues only occured the moment I started using the iMac M1.
It seems I am not the only one with this issue as I have seen many posts about this as well and many replies assuring users the problem has been fixed.
The problem has not been fixed.