When using an OCIO config with file rules in place, it seems as though image sequences do not respect the file rules. For example, I've set EXR file types to come in as ACEScg. This works for single EXR files but not for EXR sequences.
This is what I have in the config for the file rules. As you can see, anything with EXR extension should be flagged for ACEScg while everything else will default to Raw.
- !<Rule> {name: OpenEXR, extension: "exr", pattern: "*", colorspace: ACEScg}
- !<Rule> {name: Default, colorspace: Raw}
However, with this set, all EXR image sequences get missed and come in as Raw.
Also, it's not just EXR sequences. I just did a test with PNG sequences and making a rule to interpret PNGs as "sRGB - Texture". Again, the single PNG comes in correctly while the PNG sequence gets missed and comes in as Raw.
Since I can't attach the OCIO config or EXRs, you can recreate this by creating a custom version of the 1.3 Studio config. Simply add the file rules mentioned above. Then import some test EXRs twice, once as a single image and another time as an image sequence. Notice how they're intepreted differently.