latest ae version 2023 on mac monterey, same thing with latest beta precomp + timewarp disable mask, if i disable timewarp effects, mask work, if fx is enable, mask disappear sigh....
JohnColombo • Adobe Employee, Aug 02, 2023Aug 02, 2023
Hi @carlo macchiavello, Thank you for making this report. This is a known limitation of the Timewarp effect rather than a bug. We will be updating the documentation to reflect this limitation.
A workaround would be to pre-compose the layer with Timewarp applied and apply the mask to the resulting pre-comp instead. You could also add the Timewarp's properties as Essential Properties of the pre-comp so that the settings are available in the context of the containing composition.
Hi @carlo macchiavello, Thank you for making this report. This is a known limitation of the Timewarp effect rather than a bug. We will be updating the documentation to reflect this limitation.
A workaround would be to pre-compose the layer with Timewarp applied and apply the mask to the resulting pre-comp instead. You could also add the Timewarp's properties as Essential Properties of the pre-comp so that the settings are available in the context of the containing composition.
Hi @JohnColombo thanks for answer, i just do it with a precomp, but ... it's a annoing thing that everything in AE i should precomp to fix something, when i started to use it in 96 could be ok, but today... ps. i hope someone update ae to solve this limitation, could be three different solution :
- add in TW a small cache where it save Alpha before fx, and restore same alpha after fx effect - create a new plugin that cache alpha and enable to apply again in a second instance after xxx plugin (like warp stabilizer when do reverse stabilize), that avoid you to update all plugins - finally give us ability to chance render order from mask/fx/transform/level style like in every other software in nodal or not nodal way. kind regards Carlo