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There was a problem accessing the audio or video data after Media Encoder failed

Participant ,
Mar 10, 2023 Mar 10, 2023

Copy link to clipboard


Everything was fine in After Effects until I was exporting via media encoder....and then I tabbed to Davinci Resolve to fiddle with some color grading while it was exporting, and it said it failed for some reason, I didn't see the fail message, but when I went into AE to re export it, it told me

There was a problem accessing the audio or video data for 4 of my clips


When I clicked to re link them, they are all black and won't even show the eye to enable them.  In preview they are black,, in timeline, everywhere.  I confirmed the file is NOT corrupted.  It is working in other editing programs just fine.  But just in case, I even deleted that file and went into my back up hard drive to copy it from the original file.......and it is STILL black and not showing anything in AE.


I found another post that someone said you had to delete preferences.  I did that, nothing changed.  I reloaded much older auto safe files, same exact files are not being read.


For some reason AE and only AE now after Media Encorder bugged it out, will not read specific files.


Bug Unresolved






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