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Three C4D Renderer Bugs: Transformation, Transparency and ZDepth

Community Beginner ,
Sep 02, 2024 Sep 02, 2024

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Hi all,
Here are three undocumented bugs of sole Cinema4D Composition Renderer (C4DCR) the Support, after a long talks and month wait, finally suggested to post to Community as they don't have an answer.

The examples use solids and native AFX plugins, confirmed by a Support agent-expert on their computers.

1) c4d_transformation_err.aep - the C4DCR doesn't apply transformations to the nested 3D comps. Here: when such comp is scaled on Y-axis, the rendered result is incorrect.


2) c4d_transparency_err.aep - the C4DCR renders artefacts when certain number of layers with transparency overlap. Here: 40 identical solids with mask produce that black box, and it is impossible to increase the number of rays, as the renderer's options are locked to single Quality slider, which can be set to max value 99.


3) c4d_zdepth_err.aep - the C4DCR clamps the Z-depth values at some 32000 limit, which makes larger scenes incompatible to such effects as DepthMatte or DepthOfField. Here: there are two perpendicular solids, and 3DChannelExtract produces a gradient that blackness value of stops at 33%, which is somewhat 32K pixels away from the camera.



Are you experiencing the same issues, and do you happen to know the workarounds for any of those?

The Advanced3D doesn't have no such issues, however, it is still under development and is lacking some basic things that are available in C4D and Classic3D.
I also contacted Maxon's Support, yet those guys told they don't have a say for a plugin which is developed and owned by Adobe.


Bug Unresolved
Compositing and VFX , Troubleshooting , UI and UX , Workflow






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