I've had to revert to v22. Preview on my 64Gb Intel i9 Windows 10 Pro box gives me one second of regular playback and then e v e r y t h i n g s l o w s d o w n.
Thank you for reporting this issue. We need a bit more information in order to further investigate this issue.
Could you share a screen recording of the performance slowdown?
Could you enable logging and share the resulting log file? (see instructions below)
What GPU is in use on your system?
Is this occurring for all projects or only in existing projects?
To enable logging:
In After Effects, go to Help > Enable Logging, then close After Effects when prompted.
Re-open AE, open a project, and attempt playback.
Go to Edit > Preferences > General > Reveal Preferences in Explorer 4. In the folder that is revealed, please share the "After Effects Log.txt" that should exist in the "logs" folder.
Thanks for reporting this issue and for any further information you can provide,