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3d objects start moving by themselves when camera is moving

New Here ,
Feb 23, 2020 Feb 23, 2020

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Whenever i have 3d objects on my screen, and i move the camera around, some of these objects start moving by themselves. When i stop moving te camera around the objects stop moving. These objects are not animated, and when they move, i notice that the position coordinates don't change. Thats proof that they are not animated and should not be moving. The other obejcts do not move, but for some reason some objects do. I tried changing the coordinates of the anchor. It worked for one object. It stopted moving around. I tried to do the same for the other objects but it dindn't work. The objects that are moving, all move in the same direction. I checked the box for continious rastering, but that did not help. I cannot finish my project if some objects are moving around by themselves whenever i move the camera around.


Can anybody help me?


Thanks in advance.

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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Community Expert , Feb 24, 2020 Feb 24, 2020

If your 3D layers are moving in an odd way when the camera moves you have not properly set up your 3D scene. Simple as that. Layers closer to the camera move faster than layers far away. This is true if you move the camera or point it in a different direction by moving the point of interest for a 2 node camera or adjusting the rotation in a one-node camera.


Enable at least 2 views and observe how the camera moves and where the layers are. If there are no keyframes for 3D layers then they are j




Community Expert ,
Feb 24, 2020 Feb 24, 2020

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When you add a camera to a scene it is just like picking up a camera in real life. The relationship, the parallax and perspective changes when you move the camera. This is normal. There is nothing wrong. If you have 2D layers in a scene, they do not move when you move the camera. 


You need to spend some time in the user guide and you need to look at some of the basic tutorials. If you look at YouTube for your tutorials you must ve3t your trainers. Most of the new tutorials I see are presented by enthusiasts that don't explain things well and a lot of them present terribly inefficient workflows. Here's a link to the same user guide you will find on the Home Screen in After Effects under the Learn link, on the product page at Adobe and right here on this forum: Learn AE







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New Here ,
Feb 24, 2020 Feb 24, 2020

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Hi Rick,

I understand what your saying, and i will check out the link. But i am not talking about 2D objects. All the objecst are 3D. I know that 2D object will not move because you first need to activate the 3D option to be able to use the camera. My question is: why do some 3D objects start moving around by themselves without being animated when moving the camera around. It is really frustrating when that happens because the project looks dis-jointed when some 3D objects start moving around by themselves. I don't have any control when that happens. I will look more into the camera options en the way the camera's behave. Maybe i over looked something.





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New Here ,
Jun 27, 2021 Jun 27, 2021

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With all due respect, if you can't help people out here, don't bother even replying back. Telling someone to go watch a tutorial video on YouTube isn't qualifying advice and assistance. You couldn't even hyperlink anything!





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Community Expert ,
Feb 24, 2020 Feb 24, 2020

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If your 3D layers are moving in an odd way when the camera moves you have not properly set up your 3D scene. Simple as that. Layers closer to the camera move faster than layers far away. This is true if you move the camera or point it in a different direction by moving the point of interest for a 2 node camera or adjusting the rotation in a one-node camera.


Enable at least 2 views and observe how the camera moves and where the layers are. If there are no keyframes for 3D layers then they are just not in the right position.


If you still have problems we need screenshots showing us the layer layout in at least 2 views and the motion path of the camera.


I don't know if this will help but this tutorial I did a long time ago shows how to set up a camera and move it along a path in a 3D scene:






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Community Expert ,
Jun 27, 2021 Jun 27, 2021

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Rick has provided comprehensive advice and explanations, so I won't revisit them.  But I thought I might offer a very simple explanation for the primary question: why do 3D objects move wqhen you move the camera? 


Hold your finger in front of your face, with something visible in the distance as well.  Now turn your head left and right and observe what you see.  You may need to close one eye.


Your finger will "move" within your field of vision because it is quite close to your camera (your eyes).  The relative distance between your eye and the finger change quite a bit.


But the distant objects won't change nearly as much, if it all, because the relative distance between your eyes and those objects hasn't changed very much.


After Effects works exactly the same way.  Objects positioned close to the camera will appear to move more than objects that are a long way from the camera, when the camera is moved.





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New Here ,
Jan 13, 2025 Jan 13, 2025

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what can be solution for this?





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