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I was trying to create a keyboard shortcut for setting my magnification view to 100%, but for some reason After Effects CC 2018 wont fit to 100%, only to 200%.
Why doesn't the 100% option work via a keyboard shortcut, it always defaults to 200% when 100% is selected via the keyboard shortcut?
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong???
What keyboard shortcut? I also use a MacBook Pro R and as far as I remember / always has given you 200% Magnification Ratio. I still have the last 4 versions of AE installed and they all work the same.
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Fit to 200% is what you want because that option is only available on a HR display like a Mac Retina display. That is the Magnification Factor you want to use to critically check each pixel in the frame. If you did not have a recognized HR display you would not get the option to fit to 200%. I know that it is confusing but that is the way it is.
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Thank you for your help Rick. But is there no way to create a keyboard shortcut to force AE to zoom to 100% even if it is less accurate than 200%???
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"Fit To" will always give you an unusual magnification factor unless your comp panel is wide enough to show the entire frame. Ctrl/Cmnd + = or - will change the magnification factor by the value increments you see in the Magnification Ratio popup. If you are at 82% and you press Ctrl/Cmnd + = you will be at 100%.
BTW, you can't really see the individual pixels at 100%. They are there but because of the dot pitch, you would a magnifying glass to discern if things were properly lined up with the pixel grid anyway. That's why the default for an HR display is 200%. For example, a thin font like the one used on this website may be only 1 pixel wide on a standard display, but if you have an HR display the same font size will actually be twice as big and 2 pixels wide so you can read it. That is why Adobe and others like Microsoft decided to automatically scale things up with HR displays. Microsoft just calls 200% 100% when you are viewing a word doc on an HR display.
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Thank you again Rick. Is this one of the changes that came with CC 2018? Because with AE CC 2017 on my Macbook Pro Retina, I used to be able to zoom to 100% with a keyboard shortcut.
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What keyboard shortcut? I also use a MacBook Pro R and as far as I remember / always has given you 200% Magnification Ratio. I still have the last 4 versions of AE installed and they all work the same.
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OK, I must be mistaken then. Thanks for your help Rick.
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Thanks for your earlier insight Rick; hoping you or someone else can help me here.
If I understand correctly your statements above, when I show my comp at 100% on my 4k high-DPI monitor then it's being pixel-doubled.
(Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, Version 1803, Build 17134.228)
If I view my comp at 50% on a 4K, high-DPI monitor, it will be pixel-for-pixel native?
Please let me know if you need more info about my system to answer - thanks again!
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In 2022 I too suddenly have this issue and it's such a shame. I like zooming to fit so I can see the whole stage, now I have to zoom to fit then zoom out, unnecessary extra steps in my workflow.
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Having this exact issue in 2024. Functionality was giving 100% when I hit "/" but now it's 200%, which is wasting time when I do it 100 times a day