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After Effects CC 2017 RAM preview problem

Community Beginner ,
Jan 15, 2017 Jan 15, 2017

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i use After Effects two years. Now I had buy new hardware.


i7 6700k

GTX 1070

16 RAM

Win 10 Pro

I thought it works good, but i can't use the ram preview correctly.

If I would play a clip (30s long) without a effect, so the clip rendered to 1 second an played in a loop.

The same clip with a effect for example twitch, it rendered the same time of 1 second and played also in a loop.

AE can use 14GB of RAM and there is maybe 1 or 2 GB in use.

I swichted the view render from CPU to GPU and reversed. I see no different.

Where is the problem (?), my cache had I clean up. By the way premiere work very goog and without problems.

Thank you!






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Advocate ,
Oct 03, 2017 Oct 03, 2017

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Thanks for the response Kevin,

As far as I can tell, this isn't an issue with my monitors.  I've been working off of this Apple Thunderbolt Display on this new Windows machine for a few months now and had no display related issues.  I believe this is an issue that happens occasionally in AE 2017, where the project gets corrupted, or something along those lines.  So, far I've been able to workaround this issue by importing the problematic project into a new project.  In the case of the project I was referring to in the previous post, I had to rebuild the whole thing from scratch, which was annoying, but didn't take that long.  I will report back if I notice an increase in the occurrence of this particular issue.  I'm still not sure what causes it, but it seems to only happen occasionally.





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Explorer ,
Dec 12, 2017 Dec 12, 2017

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If you've ever had glitchy frames in your composition or

if the Composition window is stuck displaying one frame despite moving the playhead around,

sometimes these issues are caused by problems with the cache. Purging the RAM previews often clears these problems up, and if it doesn't, you can try purging the Disk Cache as well.

check this article: The Definitive Guide to RAM Previews and Disk Caches in After Effects (i.e. Those Blue and Green Lin...

Hope it helps you.





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Community Beginner ,
Dec 14, 2017 Dec 14, 2017

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Ok I may be repeating some posts but this is what i encountered and my fix so far.

My specs: Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.8HGz with 16gb of RAM

I am editing with a very large 4k video files, (4096 x 2160, 60fps .MOV file)

Everyone's case is different but here are some tricks and tips to try fix:

Firstly your preview settings:

1. Make sure you have cache before playback set

2. match your frame rate with the frame rate of your composition settings

3. I have my resolution set to auto, setting this to quarter will allow a faster preview and allow you to preview more as it requires less memory.

Screenshot (3).png

Dedicate more RAM for After Effects: Edit > preferences > Memory

Drag the slider to dedicate more RAM. The more RAM, the more cache memory is designated which will allow a "larger green line", making you able to RAM preview more.

Screenshot (1).png

Third, use proxies!

No matter how powerful your computer is, sometimes you need proxies when dealing with large amounts of 4k, 6k, 8k files.

For anyone who doesn't know what these are. After effects can render a lower quality of the footage you are using.

You can then edit with this lower quality footage much much faster and when you are finished you simply click a small tick box

and After Effects will change it back to your original footage for you to render.

After Effects proxy - tutorial



For advanced users that have done all the above and are tearing their hair out I have found a solution that worked for me.

I use an external monitor connected to my laptop via HDMI. The external monitor was the problem.

I think it was either trying to upscale the output from my laptop causing after effects to play back my RAM preview in slow motion/dropping frames/ skipping etc.

I simply resulted back to using my laptop, but down-scaling the resolution of my monitor also worked. This may also be a result of using HDMI, in that the preview isn't transferring quick enough to the monitor.

As my cache loaded fine and loaded my work area, but on playing back it dropped frames and distorted the audio terribly, like slow motion.

I hope this helped.





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Contributor ,
Dec 14, 2017 Dec 14, 2017

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Well Fmulvey thank you  for your advices witch are a list of good practices but it is not really relevant here since we (by "we" I mean at least myself and Efekt, because it seems that people are talking about different issues in this thread) we are talking about a bug in AE. This bug was introduced in AE since the CC 2015 release. It is related to the UI and the timeline panel and has never been seriously handle by Adobe. In my case the same project, on the same machine, the RAM preview runs perflectly on CC 2014 whereas on CC 2015 to the last version of AE it stutters and lost real time playback.

So it is not a question of settings or proxies or whatever else it is a plain and simple (3 years old !) bug.





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Community Beginner ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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After 4 months i got some feedback from adobe support. Obviously their suggestions didn't work.

What worked for me was switching from my great MSI 980TI Gaming Edition to my ooooold ATI Radeon 7850. Et voila... 4k in 60fps Ram Preview is no issue no more. Even the timeline glitches are gone. Seems to be a nvidia issue here, even with the latest nvidia drivers.





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Contributor ,
Apr 04, 2018 Apr 04, 2018

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Thanks a lot for the feedback. I don't own a Radeon right now but I'll manage to get one and I'll let you know.

Adobe should investigate in this way and tell us.





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Community Beginner ,
May 17, 2018 May 17, 2018

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After six months (!!!) Adobe today closed my 4K major bug ticket with this solution:
Just use FullHD instead. Ticket closed.

No comment.





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Contributor ,
May 18, 2018 May 18, 2018

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(Edited for content)...nowhere they say that 4k display is not fully fonctional. They should warn customer of that in the system requirement of AE. (Edited for content)...

Moderator Warning: Do not discuss legal action on these forums. It is against our community guidelines. Thanks.





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New Here ,
Apr 24, 2018 Apr 24, 2018

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Revert to Adobe AE CC 15.0.0

the AE 15.0.1 has a bug





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New Here ,
Dec 04, 2018 Dec 04, 2018

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MESMO ERRO! Ta dando Loop

Fiz todos os testes que postaram aqui. É um problema muito estranho...
E fiz meus próprios testes: Não é a potencia da maquina..  Minha maquina é um Notebook Win10 / 16G RAM / SSD / 1T HD / GTX 1050ti 4G

CC Adobe After Effects 2018. Numa composição de 60fps e duração de 20segundos eu coloquei 1stroke 2texto - Funciona tranquilo (consigo visualizar toda timelime)

Coloco um simples efeito de texto do presets do After Effects. Consigo visualizar EXATOS 185FRAMES (6segundos) e gera um loop.

Abaixei pela metada a quantidade de RAM que o programa executa... 8G. Visualizo Exatos 620Frames e volta a dar loop

EXACTLY 3G de RAM dedicated to AE - (1 Stroke, 2Texts, one of tem with NO EFFECT, the other with a "Fade up words" (Effects and Presets - Animation Preset* - Text - Animated in  - Fade up words) only preciews, precisely 1058frames in a composition of 60fps with 20sec a full composition.

thats how the preview works according to the RAMs

3G - Low - 1058 frames (17sec)
8G - Half - 620 frames (10sec)
14,9G - full 65 frames (1sec)

Open After Effects creat
1 stroke animated with Trim Paths
1 Text with no effect
1 Text with preset animation - Fade up words





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