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An AE Plugin “STDLIB”

Explorer ,
Mar 17, 2024 Mar 17, 2024

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Out of curiosity, what might be some of the demands for an "AE STDLIB" for plugin dev? 

I've been working on some frameworks for my own projects, and am looking to improve them, expand them, and open source them for everyone else to use.


some of what my wrappers include: 

RAII wrappers around AE objects, using shared ptr, and if needed, custom deletes, so no more worrying about having to dispose of handles. 


Custom Allocator using AE memory for STL containers. 

On the lowest level, I've wrapped each AEGP suite call in a few different checks-- in general, a check that will throw an exception if a handle (like AEGP_ItemH) is null, before passing to a function to get the name, for example. 
and another, a new "ERR3" Macro that wraps the SDK call itself with more verbose error handling. 

in my own development these wrappers have made accessing layers, properties, and pretty much anything significantly simpler, safer, and easier to trace and debug. 

at a high level I have helper classes and functions for some basic tasks like adding footage, things like that. 

I'd be interested to hear any other thoughts/ideas/requests people would have for an "AE STDLIB" so I can expand on the library before fully open sourcing it! 

Thank you to this community!  







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Engaged ,
Mar 18, 2024 Mar 18, 2024

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Sounds like a great project! I think the error reporting and safe cleanup is the most useful and important, especially for PF_EffectWorld's. If it's open source I'd love to contribute. 





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Explorer ,
Mar 21, 2024 Mar 21, 2024

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It's mainly AEGP focused-- but this is what I've got so far!


One of the coolest things (in my opinion) is the abstraction of plugin setup itself--

 * @File Plugin.hpp
 * @brief Plugin interface template for Adobe After Effects plugin development.
 * This header defines the architecture for a plugin, including commands and
 * their lifecycle management within the plugin. It's designed to be used within
 * the Adobe After Effects SDK environment to create custom plugins.
 * @author tjerf
 * @date March 2024

#ifndef PLUGIN_HPP
#define PLUGIN_HPP

#include "AETK/AEGP/Core/Base/AEGeneral.hpp"
 * @class Command
 * @brief Abstract base class for creating commands within the plugin.
 * This class defines the structure for commands that can be executed by the
 * plugin. Each command is associated with a specific action or behavior.
class Command
     * Constructs a Command with a name, menu ID, and insertion order.
     * @Param name The name of the command.
     * @Param menuID The ID of the menu where the command will be inserted.
     * @Param after_item Specifies the order of the command within the menu.
     * Defaults to INSERT_SORTED.
    Command(std::string name, AE_MenuID menuID, int after_item = INSERT_SORTED)
        : m_name(name), m_commandSuite(CommandSuite1()), m_command(m_commandSuite.getUniqueCommand())
        insertCommand(menuID, after_item);
     * Virtual destructor for cleanup.
    virtual ~Command() = default;
     * Executes the command's action. Must be implemented by derived classes.
     * This is where you'll execute the command's action or behavior.
     * You'll do whatever logic you'd like here-- AE related or not.
    virtual void execute() = 0;
     * Updates the state or appearance of the menu item associated with this
     * command. Must be implemented by derived classes.
     * This is used in the updateMenuHook to update the state of the menu item.
     * Use the helper functions to enable, disable, or check the menu item.
    virtual void updateMenu() = 0;
     * Retrieves the name of the command.
     * @Return The command's name.
    std::string getName() const { return m_name; }
     * Retrieves the command's unique identifier.
     * @Return The command's identifier.
    int getCommand() const { return m_command; }

    // Helper functions for command manipulation.
    inline void insertCommand(AE_MenuID menuID, int after_item = INSERT_SORTED)
        m_commandSuite.insertMenuCommand(m_command, m_name.c_str(), menuID,
    inline void setCommandName(std::string name)
        m_commandSuite.setMenuCommandName(m_command, name.c_str());
    inline void enableCommand(bool enable)
        if (enable)

    inline void checkCommand(bool check)
        m_commandSuite.checkMarkMenuCommand(m_command, check);

    std::string m_name; ///< The command's name.
    int m_command;      ///< The command's unique identifier.
        m_commandSuite; ///< Suite for command operations provided by AE SDK.

 * @class Plugin
 * @brief Represents the plugin, managing its commands and lifecycle.
 * This class serves as the central management point for the plugin, handling
 * initialization, command registration, and event hooks.
 * AE Refcons are ignored, as you can use maps to store data instead.
class Plugin
    inline static Plugin *instance;

    Plugin(struct SPBasicSuite *pica_basicP, /* >> */
           AEGP_PluginID aegp_plugin_id,     /* >> */
           AEGP_GlobalRefcon *global_refconV)
        : m_suiteManager(SuiteManager::GetInstance())
        int id = static_cast<int>(std::hash<std::string>{}(typeid(*this).name()));
        AEGP_PluginID myID = id;

        myID = aegp_plugin_id;


        instance = this;
     * Virtual destructor for cleanup.
    virtual ~Plugin() { instance = nullptr; }

    // Lifecycle event handlers to be implemented by derived classes.//
    * @brief onInit Initializes the plugin and its commands.
     * Initializes the plugin and its commands.
     * Here, you will add commands to the plugin's command list, and then use the utility functions
     * to register your command hooks (if any).
    virtual void onInit() = 0; 

	 * Called when the plugin is being unloaded.
	 * This will automatically clean up commands, its up to you to clean up anything else you need to.
    virtual void onDeath() = 0;

	 * Called when the plugin is idle.
	 * This is a good place to do any background processing or updating of the UI.
	 * This is also where you would utilize the TaskManager to do background processing.
    virtual void onIdle() = 0;

     * Adds a command to the plugin's command list.
     * @Param command A unique pointer to the Command object.
    inline void addCommand(std::unique_ptr<Command> command)

    template <typename T>
    static A_Err EntryPointFunc(struct SPBasicSuite *pica_basicP,  /* >> */
                                A_long major_versionL,             /* >> */
                                A_long minor_versionL,             /* >> */
                                AEGP_PluginID aegp_plugin_id,      /* >> */
                                AEGP_GlobalRefcon *global_refconV) /* << */
        Plugin *plugin = new T(pica_basicP, aegp_plugin_id, global_refconV);
        return A_Err_NONE;

    // Static hook methods for Adobe After Effects to invoke.   // Static hook
    // methods for Adobe After Effects to invoke.
    inline static A_Err CommandHook(AEGP_GlobalRefcon global_refcon,
                                    AEGP_CommandRefcon command_refcon,
                                    AEGP_Command command,
                                    AEGP_HookPriority hook_priority,
                                    A_Boolean already_handled,
                                    A_Boolean *handled)
        if (instance)
            for (auto &c : instance->m_commands)
                if (c->getCommand() == command)
                    *handled = TRUE;
                    return A_Err_NONE;
        *handled = TRUE;
        return A_Err_NONE;

    inline static A_Err UpdateMenuHook(AEGP_GlobalRefcon global_refcon,
                                       AEGP_UpdateMenuRefcon update_menu_refcon,
                                       AEGP_WindowType active_window)
        if (instance)
            for (auto &c : instance->m_commands)
        return A_Err_NONE;

    inline static A_Err DeathHook(AEGP_GlobalRefcon global_refcon,
                                  AEGP_DeathRefcon death_refcon)
        if (instance)
        return A_Err_NONE;

    inline static A_Err IdleHook(AEGP_GlobalRefcon global_refcon,
                                 AEGP_IdleRefcon idle_refcon,
                                 A_long *max_sleepPL)
        if (instance)
        return A_Err_NONE;

    // Methods to register the static hook methods with the Adobe After Effects
    // SDK.
    inline void registerCommandHook()
                                             Plugin::CommandHook, NULL);

    inline void registerUpdateMenuHook()
        RegisterSuite5().registerUpdateMenuHook(Plugin::UpdateMenuHook, NULL);

    inline void registerDeathHook( )
        RegisterSuite5().registerDeathHook(Plugin::DeathHook, NULL);

    inline void registerIdleHook()
        RegisterSuite5().registerIdleHook(Plugin::IdleHook, NULL);

    SuiteManager &m_suiteManager;
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Command>> m_commands; //use std, depending on preprocessor directives, will be either std:: or AE:: (custom allocated and owned by AE)
    inline void clearCommands()

// Define a macro for setting up the plugin's entry point function.
 * @Param PluginType The type of the plugin to be created.
 * @brief Macro for defining the plugin's entry point function.
#define DECLARE_ENTRY(PluginType)                            \
    extern "C" DllExport A_Err EntryPointFunc(                                 \
        struct SPBasicSuite *pica_basicP, A_long major_versionL,               \
        A_long minor_versionL, AEGP_PluginID aegp_plugin_id,                   \
        AEGP_GlobalRefcon *global_refconV)                                     \
    {                                                                          \
        SuiteManager::GetInstance().InitializeSuiteHandler(pica_basicP);       \
        return Plugin::EntryPointFunc<PluginType>(                             \
            pica_basicP, major_versionL, minor_versionL, aegp_plugin_id,       \
            global_refconV);                                                   \

#endif /* PLUGIN_HPP */





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