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After Effects 2024 (24.x)
OS: windows 10
I'm using Node.js to automation replacement text, image and audio.
This project has been running for at least 3 years until last week I discovered that the old version of AE 2017 (14.x) is no longer supported, so I now have to upgrade to the AE version (24.x).
But the problem I found is that text and images work fine, but audio doesn't.
I have confirmed that it is normal for AE files to be output directly using Media Encoder or Render Queue.
However, if I use Node.js to execute aerender.exe, if the audio file is not replaced, the output will have audio, but if replace the audio file, the output result will be without any sound.
the result information for not replaced audio by Node.js:
the result information for replaced audio by Node.js:
Since I directly used the command line to call aerender.exe, the result was the same, so I first ruled out that it was a problem with the Node.js project.
command is below
"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\aerender.exe" -project C:\aerender\AErender.aep -comp "Output 1080p" -sound ON -output C:\aerender\output\result.mp4 -OMtemplate "H.264 - Match Render Settings - 15 Mbps" -RStemplate 180p -r C:\aerender\nexrender-9lUDJVASh3dN7B3zVPdGj-script.jsx
I need assistance with any aerender.exe replacement for audio, please.
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