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I'd like to rename our Team Projects. Is there a way to do that, short of converting them to local projects and converting it back to new team projects? We have quite a few to rename.
Also, is there a recommended way to organize these projects into folders and subfolders?
We have a large series of projects coming and are trying to keep things from getting out of hand.
Thank you!
The real control of Team Projects lies in the Media Broswer, so you need to have that open.
I also forgot the third, and actually, easiest way to "rename" your project, and it's something I did recently with success, myself.
1) Open the Media Browser
2) Push changes to the cloud so you make a new version. Versions are what gets pushed to Creative Cloud, Auto-Save is the local copy of your Team Project database.
2) The bottom section on the left pane called "Creative Cloud" shows your T
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Unfortunately, not. This is something I've been meaning to make a feature request about, and I recommend that you do too.
The more people that request it, the higher chance this has of becoming a feature.
Rather than convert your Team Projects to local to rename, you could create a new one with your desired name, then import the previous project into the new one. If you're just working in After Effects, then it's probably easier to convert to a local project, rename, then convert back, but if you're using Premiere AND After Effects, then the first method might be simpler. This avoids having to convert the team project to a local .prproj and .aep.
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Thanks David,
I was afraid of that. I've put in a feature request as you suggested, and will now commence holding my breath.
Thanks for the idea of importing into another team project. Hadn't thought of that, and it should remove a step.
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David, how do you import a Team Project into another one?
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The real control of Team Projects lies in the Media Broswer, so you need to have that open.
I also forgot the third, and actually, easiest way to "rename" your project, and it's something I did recently with success, myself.
1) Open the Media Browser
2) Push changes to the cloud so you make a new version. Versions are what gets pushed to Creative Cloud, Auto-Save is the local copy of your Team Project database.
2) The bottom section on the left pane called "Creative Cloud" shows your Team Projects
3) Twirl that down, and twirl down "Team Project Versions" to see all of your Team Projects
4) Right-click your desired project and choose "Team Project Versions"
5) Pick the most recently shared version and choose "Browse."
6) Now right-click on the project again and choose "New Team Project from Version..."
You'll get a dialog box allowing you to pick a new name and the collaborators list will already be populated with the current collaborators.
Clunky? Yes. Relatively simple, though? Also yes.
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That's awesome. Thanks so much David!
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Ha. I found the correct method for this:
Under the File pulldown:
File>Team Project Settings>"Team Project Settings..." button
It's all right there - very straightforward. Lol!
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Awesome! I'm happy to be wrong about this. I filed a feature request to make this more discoverable. The Team Project options are too spread out, in my opinion.
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So here's the lingering problem that I'm finding - the old name remains in
the Manage Team Projects window. So there's still a bug in the system. Have
you noticed that?
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:37 AM, davidarbor <>
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Interesting. My updated name is changing instantly, and when I open the "Manage Team Projects" dialog the updated name is showing. You shouldn't have to do this, but what happens if you quit Ae, log out of CC, then log back in?
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I logged out, turned off my machine, and it still shows the old file name
in the Manage Team Projects, though when I open it, the new name appears at
the status line at the top of the window.
On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 9:50 AM, davidarbor <>
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Hmm, sounds like a bug. It's certainly worth filing.
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Yes. Filed.
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bug seems to still be there lmao
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bug still happening, renamed it and the name didn't change in the manage team projects window