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Cannot Move Anchor Point of Audio Amplitude

New Here ,
May 27, 2024 May 27, 2024

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I am having a hard time moving the anchor point of my audio amplitude. Every video I have found online with this effect they have their text centered and do not explain how to move the anchor point. In my case, I have two logos that are centered vertically but are both on the left side of the comp, so when the scale changes it shrinks/grows from the right instead of centered on itself.


I now realize as I'm typing this I will likely need to duplicate my Audio Amplitude layer in order to center both on each respective logo, but again I would be having the same issue. 


I first tried moving the anchor points of each logo, and then moving the anchor point of the Audio Amplitude layer, all of which done through the transform dropdown but nothing is working.


I only started using AE last week so could be very off in my method but am looking for some help.

Thank you

Audio , Expressions , How to






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