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All the AE SDK examples build a .aex plugin file. There is no support for CEP extensions in the examples. However, Adobe's online portal requires zxp files for listing.
Has anyone uploaded a plugin to the Producer portal by converting to .zxp and then asked the user to install the .aex file manually ?
Apparently the zxp format is just a modified zip format with a signed certificate for verification.
Alternatively, how do you package the .aex file as .zxp so it can be uploaded to the Producer portal and then the user can extract the .aex and install to the plug-ins directory?
@Justin Taylor-Hyper Brew Though its for CEP extensions, there is a way to package plugins. And Adobe seems to require it for plugins on their marketplace.
If anyone else is interested, I've written up a tutorial -
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ZXP is the delivery format for CEP Extensions, not plugins. Yes it is essentially a zip file, but it has to be signed in order to launch properly. I don't distribute tools on Adobe Exchange, but I'd imagine there is a way to do it for plugins.
Looking at the help doc, it appears you can optionally upload a zip. If so I'd just zip up your aex with a readme and upload that.
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@Justin Taylor-Hyper Brew Though its for CEP extensions, there is a way to package plugins. And Adobe seems to require it for plugins on their marketplace.
If anyone else is interested, I've written up a tutorial -
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Interesting, yea that works.
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