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Help: Solid layer from the Beam effect is showing up when I nest all the comps together

Explorer ,
Jul 23, 2024 Jul 23, 2024

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Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 1.02.11 PM.png

Apologies for this noob question.

Comp 1, I created a beam pattern from a solid layer starting from one end and finishing to another. After which I created a circle as the "ripple" effect from the beam.


Comp 2, I imported Comp 1, duplicated it into two instances and then offset with a rotation. However, the solid layer of the comps are showing up as a background. Such that it is covering the other Comps from showing through. How do I make the solid layers transparent so only these beams and circles from each comp show up and not be covered by the solid layer underneath?



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Community Expert ,
Jul 23, 2024 Jul 23, 2024

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If you have not selected Composite On Original in the Effects Control Panel (it is at the bottom), Beam will create transparency that will also show up when the layer is pre-composed, or the comp is nested in another comp. You did not say how you created the circle. Without seeing the modified properties of your layers (press the u key twice), it's impossible to figure out what is fouling up the transparency. 


Start by enabling the Transparency Grid in the comp where the effects are applied. It is in the middle of the Composition panel at the bottom and looks like a checkerboard. Then, start turning off effects until you find what is causing the problem. If you can't figure it out, we need to see your timeline and everything you added to the layers.





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Explorer ,
Jul 24, 2024 Jul 24, 2024

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Hi Rick, thanks for the assist. Okay, so last night I think I solved it by playing with the various Blending Mode options. I'm not sure if that's the "correct" way to solve it though.

So onto more details about the effect I'm trying to do. I'll break it down (and remove some identifying company elements).

1. I created Pre-Comp 1 with a black beam and circle generator via a White solid. The idea is that the beam shoots out from point A, lands to point B, and then a circle ripple effect is produced.




2. Drop the Pre-Comp 1 into Pre-Comp 2 by having two instances of Pre-Comp 1 but with a different rotation offset. At this point both Comps play with no issues in transparency. I can see the beam and circle from both.




3. This is where it gets weird. Pre-Comp 3 contains two instances of Pre-Comp 2.  I see all the beams, but I don't see the circle in all. Only some.



4. Pre-Comp 4 is the final pre-comp before the actual Comp. Same as above, it contains two instances of Pre-Comp 3. I can see all the beams, but not all the circles.




I tried playing around with the "Preserve Underlying Transparency" setting on the top layer, bottom layer, all layers, but beams were disappearing and the circles were not appearing.


5. Final Comp








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