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How to add layer from psd to after effect ?

Explorer ,
Jun 08, 2023 Jun 08, 2023

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Hi there, I'm new using after effect, I want to animate my psd file, I have finish my work, but my client need add some layer, I just edit in my psd file, but in after effect the new layer not showing, how to update my psd file to existing AE project ? 

Fyi I can add new footage or layer manualy in after effect, but the problem is this project will use for template, so in the future I just want need to change the layer from psd file, without re'edit on AE project. TIA

How to




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Community Expert ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

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The simplest way to get the new layer into After Effects is to import the new PSD with the new layer as footage and choose only the new layer. You can add the new layer to the existing comp and move the new PSD layer import to the folder created when you imported the original PSD as a composition.


You will have to re-position the layer if you choose to retain layer size when you import the PSD again. If you choose Document size, the layer will be in the right place, but the Anchor Point may be in the wrong place. You can fix that by using the Pan Behind tool (y) to move the anchor point without moving the layer.




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Explorer ,
Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

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Thanks Rick, next question, if I use new PSD layer, if this works, when I'm going to edit the psd like changing the text, or changing the color of which psd file to use later? Is what was added to the initial psd file ae updated again? as I said, the ae project was made for animated templates only, then I changed objects, text and others only from psd, for your info, the design I made was a movie poster template.




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Jun 09, 2023 Jun 09, 2023

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Yes, updates made to the layers in your PSD *will* be shown in After Effects. 

Importing a layered PSD is essentially like importing multiple unlayered image files; AE is just linking to the files on your hard drive, so if they're updated, that's what AE will display. Adding new layers to the file is like having other files on your hard drive you haven't yet imported. (It would be nice if AE was more aware of new layers, but it's just not how it works currently.)

If you make updates to a PSD layer that change the bounds of that layer, it may alter the visual position of it in After Effects, beause it's changing how PS/AE calculate the layer's anchor point. 

If you make an update in PS and don't see the update in AE, you can always right-click the layer/file in your Project Panel, and choose "Reload Footage."




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Explorer ,
Jun 10, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

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Thank @Kyle Hamrick , yes I used @Rick Gerard  solution, imported the new psd, then just added the new layers, unfortunately when the Dependencies template was created, the Footage folder had the psd files, and both were linked, so when I changed the contents of the template in the psd, I had to edit both, one old psd file , and 1 psd file added a new layer.

Screenshot_101.pngexpand image


It is in the project AE, the red mark is new layer from new psd file

Screenshot_102.pngexpand image

Is there a way when the dependencies folder is created, only 1 psd file is produced ? 





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Community Expert ,
Jun 10, 2023 Jun 10, 2023

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You created and imported two different files, so that's what After Effects sees. Assuming your files are built properly, you could unlink the layers of the "old" one and then reconnect them to the new file.

In the future, if you're adding layers to a PSD you've already imported into AE, just import only that one layer, and don't create a different file. 




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