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When i work in AE and drag compositions from the project panel to Adobe Media Encoder, After Effects creates one (1) new temp file for each comp, such as tmpAEtoAMEProject-Comp.aep. Lots of comps means lots of files...
But when i have exported and close Adobe Media Encoder all temp files that After Effects created are still on the hard drive. Why has i as the user no option to automatically delete those when i have Remove completed files from queue on exit checked in the Preferences for Adobe Media Encoder?
What have i missed?
Hi @Averdahl,
This issue recently cropped up again. It's fine to delete these files after exporting to Media Encode,. however, you have to do that manually right now. You can file a feature request for automatic deletion or file a bug indicating that deleting all cache files would include these as well. I hope that helps.
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Hi Averdahl,
That's rather annoying, isn't it? Can you file a bug here?
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I have exactly the same problem.
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Same here! Can I delete them manually or it will damage my project?
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Hi @Averdahl,
This issue recently cropped up again. It's fine to delete these files after exporting to Media Encode,. however, you have to do that manually right now. You can file a feature request for automatic deletion or file a bug indicating that deleting all cache files would include these as well. I hope that helps.
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O.k, got it! I stopped exporting from Ae via AME back in 2017 and now only use the Render Queue as i did before. No problems, always. 🙂
Hi @Averdahl,
This issue recently cropped up again. It's fine to delete these files after exporting. however, you have to do that manually right now. You can file a feature request for automatic deletion or file a bug indicating that deleting all cache files would include these as well. I hope that helps.
By @Kevin-Monahan
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I keep noticing I get a lot of tmpAEtoAME project files whenever I rendre my AE project through Media encoder. I wonder if I should delete all these. I have the main Ae file safe and secure. If I delete these will it cause any issue? Thank you.
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Yes, you can delete them without causing any issues.
I keep noticing I get a lot of tmpAEtoAME project files whenever I rendre my AE project through Media encoder. I wonder if I should delete all these. I have the main Ae file safe and secure. If I delete these will it cause any issue? Thank you.
By @Suraiya A
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Thank you so much.