how to make the text seems as if it was written on the road and revealed by the car?
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hey (:
i have a drone shot with a driving car across it (top to bottom). i want to have the car "revealing" text "written" on the road but i cant seem to get it perfectly like i want.
heres an image of the relevant part of the shot
i tried using all adobe softwares like many tutorials said - combing Illustaror and photoshop and after effects and premiere but i just cant actually get it the way i want
the most frustorating part is that i did that 4 years ago!
so any help would be much appriciated
thank you ❤️
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I've moved this from the Using the Community forum (which is the forum for issues using the forums) to the Premiere Pro forum so that proper help can be offered.
Scroll down here to see a list of the forums:
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In Photoshop, select the Type Layer.
Go to Image > Transform > Perspective.
If Perspective isn't available, right-click Type Layer and convert to Smart Object.
Adjust Perspective points as required.
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Thank you for your quick reply 🙏🏻
and how to convert it to the video with motion track in a way that it'll follow the car with the right change in size along the way?
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If you don't mind editable text, use Filter > Vanishing Point. Select the text, copy it, then define the perspective in the Vanishing Point filter and paste the copied content. Reposition the pasted content as necessary.
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Thank you for your quick reply! 🙏🏻
and how to convert it to the video with motion track in a way that it'll follow the car with the right change in size along the way?
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You would need After Effects to have any chance of doing that, if I am understanding what you want to do. With something as complex as this, you need to give much more detail than you have so far, preferably with diagrams or example video.
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i hope it makes sense, i tried to explain in this image now
i want the text to be "pulled" by the car which makes it be revealed, and as the car goes out of the frame, the text is pulled by it to the point it eventually dissapear as well
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This is definitely a job to do in After Effects, not Photoshop. Let me know if you want me to move this thread to the After Effects forum.
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yes please, id very much appriciate it
sorry, i dont know much about all the sub forums
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Thread moved from the Photoshop forum to the After Effects forum.
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Thanks for reaching out.
3D camera tracking should help you achieve it. Here's a quick YouTube tutorial showing how you can attach text to the wall but with the same technique you can attach text to the ground:
Here's a tutorial that explains 3D tracking in depth:
Let us know how it goes.