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I have lots of texts/letters and I need to mask them all. last 2 days am just keep creating shape layers and placing/ dragging them above letters/word 😠 Is there any way I can make the shape layer to be on the desired layer? I cant select the letter and the draw the shape, because I dnt wanna animate the path of the mask. please help me. 😥😥😓
Thanks for writing in Suraiya.
I don't think such an option is available in After Effects. But, you can use the shortcut to quickly move the layers up and down in the stacking order. Select the layer you want to reposition and use the keyboard shortcut
Command + Option + Up Arrow (Mac) or Control + Alt + Up Arrow (Windows) to move it up,
Command + Option + Down Arrow (Mac) or Control + Alt + Down Arrow (Windows) to move it down
Hope it helps. Feel free to create a feature request in the Ideas s
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Thanks for writing in Suraiya.
I don't think such an option is available in After Effects. But, you can use the shortcut to quickly move the layers up and down in the stacking order. Select the layer you want to reposition and use the keyboard shortcut
Command + Option + Up Arrow (Mac) or Control + Alt + Up Arrow (Windows) to move it up,
Command + Option + Down Arrow (Mac) or Control + Alt + Down Arrow (Windows) to move it down
Hope it helps. Feel free to create a feature request in the Ideas section so that others can vote.
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please consider adding this as a feature. maybe someone selct a layer and would hold function key/ctrl/shift and then create/ draw shape layer and it will be placed automatically above the selected layer. Thank you so much. 😥
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If you select any layer in a comp and use the Layer/New menu or the Keyboard Shortcut, the new layer will be created above the selected layer.
If you select one character in a text string and choose New Shape or New Mask, the new layer will be created above the selected text layer.
I guess I don't understand your workflow. I can only assume that you want to create a path from a specific character, then turn on the text layer again, select another character, and add another path to the same text layer. That is not possible or efficient. If you need multiple characters as shape layers, you need to convert them all and delete the ones you don't need.
If you could provide a better description of your design goal, we could probably help you set up a more efficient workflow.
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masks above the indivudual letters
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I had to animate the letters individually, position, rotation. so I had to draw masks. all of those new shape layers I drew happend to be the first layer when I need them above layer 40! or say 59!! every time I had to drag them and position them above my desired layer. 😞