How to preview a comp, stop on the last frame, and ALSO hear audio?
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Hey all,
So I'm getting back into AE again after not using it for awhile, and I'm running into something that I think I remember from before and never figured out. To preview a comp and have it stop on the last frame rather than jumping back to the beginning, I'm placing the CTI at the end and pressing the play button in the preview window. (I don't know how to do this with just a keyboard shortcut, which is irritating, and if anybody knows one-- please tell me!) But what I *can't* figure out is how to get a comp to preview, play once, stop on the last frame and not jump back to the beginning, AND also play preview audio. It seems like there has to be a way to do this!! Any ideas??
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You can set the Work Area to the section of the comp you want to preview. Just don't forget to set the Work Area back to include the whole comp -- AE defaults to rendering only the Work Area.
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Thanks for the answer, but this just doesn't seem to be working either. Here's what I'm doing:
1.) Set work area
2.) Move CTI to end of work area
3.) Press Play button
4.) Result: there is a split second of audio, the rest of the clip previews without audio, and it stops on the last frame.
Using the spacebar with the CTI at the START of the comp or work area results in hearing audio, but the clip jumping back to the first frame
Using the spacebar with the CTI at the END of the comp or work area results in NOT hearing audio except for that split second glitch, but the clip stays on the last frame rather than jumping back to the first frame.
Using zero on the number pad not only jumps back to the first frame but also plays repeatedly instead of just once and then stopping.
It just seems like there has to be a way to have the comp and/or work area play once, stay on the last frame at the end of the preview, AND also hear the audio. Does this make sense?
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There are only two points within your Preview Range where you can assign your Current Time Indicator to be placed when you stop a Preview - (1) at the point in time where you initiated a Preview and (2) at the Preview Time Indicator. The Preview Time Indicator (PTI) is the thin, red vertical strip that travels along your Preview Range, to signify the frames being played. The PTI only appears during a Preview. You set the 'stop mode' for your previews in the Preview Panel — specifically, this setting is in last section of the Preview Panel. Take note that the settings for Start and Stop can be used independently of one another. IOW, you can initiate a Preview with Shift+Spacebar and stop the Preview with Spacebar. AE will then apply whichever settings you've set to these shortcuts.
In short, to have your previews stop at the end of your Preview Range, you must initiate your previews when the Current Time Indicator is at the end of your Work Area, OR you perfectly time your preview stops when the PTI is at the end of the Work Area.
With regards to your audio issue, head to Preferences>Previews and enable Mute Audio when Preview is not Realtime. Let us know if this fixes your problem.
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Real Anise,
Still facing this issue? Let us know.
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Thanks for checking back! I went back to school (again), and the quarter started right when the last reply was posted on this thread. I still have not had a chance to try this-- there's just too much to do. But I will get to it ASAP.
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Cool, good luck!