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I want to fill in with text without any omissions, adapting to the shape of a person.

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Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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It’s hard to understand from the text alone, so please look at this link.



I want to reproduce something like this.

In order to reproduce it, I wrote a code for a string that changes randomly and tried to cut out the silhouette of a moving person with an alpha matte, but with this method, the text behind just shows through transparently, and the text is missing in the shape of the person.

However, in this music video, the text stretches and animates to fit the shape of the person without any characters missing.

If anyone knows a plugin like this, or understands how to do this effect, I would be very happy if you could tell me. Please help.

Expressions , How to , Scripting






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Community Expert ,
Sep 22, 2023 Sep 22, 2023

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Examine that video carefully, and you will see that there is a background layer of very small text that doesn't stay cropped to the matte. The bigger text seems to be motion-tracked in individual sections, and every time some of the largest text starts to move toward an edge of the matte, a cut is made, and a new piece of large text is added to the shot to replace it. This fools the eye and makes you think that, somehow, the text magically stays inside the outline of the mask. 


The trick is just multiple layers + motion tracking + patience. It is not something you could accomplish with a single layer. I'm guessing there are probably somewhere more than 20 but less than 100 layers in every four or five-second section of the video. 





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