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Basically, let's say i have 5 layers, all PNGs, with different sizes.
I have animated Layer 1, and then parented layers 2-5 to Layer 1, so that they move in the same way. I want to now unparent Layers 2-5, but have them keep the same animation properties, so that it looks the same as when they were parented to Layer 1.
I'm not sure how to do this, I think it should be simple, but it's not as simple as, say, creating keyframes in the children at the same marks as the parent, then unparenting.
If anyone has an idea on how to achieve this, it'd be super helpful 🙂
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Anything from expressions to baking keyframes, but it's really not clear what you are trying to achieve. Why would you even unparent if it gives the result you want?
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"Baking keyframes" is not something I've heard of before, but sounds like what I'm trying to achieve.
Normally I would just leave it, but the file format I'm exporting as doesn't recognise parented footage as linked, and so when viewed, the parent is moving as normal, and the children are completely idle ahaha. So if I can get the other files to move in-step with the Layer 1 after unparenting, without manually keyframing everything, it'd be sick.
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Apply a dummy expression:
and use the Expression to Keyframes keyframe assistant.