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I'm on a Mac, macOS Sierra 10.12.3. Using AE
I want my OpenEXR image sequence imports to default to having "Preserve RGB" checked
I am editing the oEXR line in Interpretation Rules.txt. The file I'm using is here:
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects/14.1/Interpretation Rules.txt
I've edited the line from this default:
*, *, *, "oEXR", * ~ *, *, *, P, *, *
to this:
*, *, *, "oEXR", * ~ *, *, *, P, "pRGB", *
This seems to be the correct syntax judging by the other formats in this file that specify a profile. I've already tried intentionally creating a syntax error in this file and confirming that I get an error on AE startup, so I am certain this is the right file.
However, when I File -> Import an OpenEXR image sequence, the "Preserve RGB" check box in Interpret Footage for that footage is *not* checked.
Please advice.
I have finally escalated this through enough levels of support to get an answer today, April 10th. That's 53 days with no answer, and no one who even understood what the Interpretation Rules.txt file until today.
In between, I was told I would receive a call from a supervisor to help on March 13th. I received an e-mail after sending several questions as to where that communication was on April 7th, for a period of 26 days after the quoted time with no communication whatsoever.
I pay a large month
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Poke poke. Any thoughts? I'm posting again because an Adobe chat support representative suggested I do so, assuring me "post again, someone will respond, surely"
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I have not messed with interpretation rules for a long time. If you can't find something that exactly matches your new string already existing in the rules then you either have a syntax error or the format you are trying to modify won't read the preferences. Sorry I can't be of more help.
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I have found something that exactly matches (not the pRGB, but a line that is trying to specify the default profile):
# rule to make red raw files available as Rec709
# with Gamma encoded 32bit float data
*, *, *, "R3D ", * ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", 0
Also, the format I'm trying to modify, oEXR, comes with a default line:
*, *, *, "oEXR", * ~ *, *, *, P, *, *
so we know the format can read the preferences. I've only changed the second to last star to "pRGB", as specified in the file's comments.
Lastly, I know I don't have a syntax error, because I intentionally created one and saved the file (added a bunch of characters like #($&*#$) and launched AE. It told me I had a syntax error. That way, I know it's reading the file I'm editing. I also know I don't have a syntax error since I removed the intentional one and all loaded smoothly.
I'm afraid I've followed everything I can find in the docs and in the comments within this file, and believe it's just not working as documented. I wish this darn thing was just open source so I could take a peek and be done with this in two seconds. As it stands, I don't think any users can help since we don't know if this is being parsed correctly.
I'm hoping there is someone from the AE team that looks at these forums, because short of that I'm not sure what to do.
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AE team folks do occasionally poke their heads in here, but this is primarily a user-to-user forum. If nobody pops in here with any further suggestions, you can contact Adobe support and ask for the video queue this time.
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Sorry - what's the video queue? The only method I've seen to get support is Forum / Chat / Call. I tried chat, but they told me they couldn't support this and I needed to go to the forums.
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Call and ask for the video queue.
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I have finally escalated this through enough levels of support to get an answer today, April 10th. That's 53 days with no answer, and no one who even understood what the Interpretation Rules.txt file until today.
In between, I was told I would receive a call from a supervisor to help on March 13th. I received an e-mail after sending several questions as to where that communication was on April 7th, for a period of 26 days after the quoted time with no communication whatsoever.
I pay a large monthly fee as a subscriber to the entire Creative Cloud suite. For comparison's sake, during the time period above, I received a solution to a much more difficult technical question from SideFX, the makers of Houdini, in less than 48 hours. I had four back and forths with a very knowledgeable member of support staff for a problem that wasn't even covered by my indie support license and it was resolved.
Adobe support is absolutely, unforgivably abysmal.
In case anyone else is having trouble, this works:
*, *, *, "oEXR", * = *, *, *, P, "pRGB", *
Which I believe is changing it to a hard rule by changing ~ to =
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Thank you for sharing your solution. Your experience with Adobe's support sounds really frustrating.
How are you guys liking Houdini? If I ever get time to breathe, I was thinking about adding it to my arsenal.
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HUGE. Thank you, I couldn't figure out the formatting. The equals sign!