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Is it possible to reproduce camera movement in a composition without a camera layer?

New Here ,
Nov 29, 2024 Nov 29, 2024

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Hello. (excuse the machine translation)

I have a 1280*1024 sized composition with a 3D layer called plane 1a and a

camera layer (2 node camera, focal length 50mm).

I have not messed with anything in the transform of plane 1. Only the camera is animated.

Let us call this composition compA.

There is a composition called compB, which has a 3D layer called plane 1b (same as 1a) of the same size, but without a camera layer. (For some reason, the camera layer is not available.)

In this case, I want to write an expression in the transform of plane 1b that refers to the information of compA, so that the appearance of the planes of compA and compB will be the same, but I am at a loss as to how to do this. Does anyone know how to do this? (AE2020)







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