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Losing quality from AE import to Premiere

Explorer ,
Nov 11, 2019 Nov 11, 2019

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I have a simple title animation that I made in AE, to add to my Premiere project.  The quality is perfect in AE.  It's also perfect in the output file (Quicktime RGB + Alpha).


However, as soon as I import the file into Premiere, the quality goes out the window.


I thought at first it might be due to the framerate difference (Premiere comp is 60, AE comp was 30).  So I recreated the AE animation at 60 fps, but that didn't make a difference.  The resolution is the same between both files (3840x2160).


I also attempted to add an adjustment layer to my Premiere file and use it as a dynamic link to AE, where I recreated the animation again in the new linked file.  I figured that the AE comp would inheret the comp settings from Peremier.  That made no difference.


The only method that worked is if I imported the file into a brand new Premiere composition and used the AE comp settings to create the Premiere comp.  Then it rendered in its full quality.  However, I'm sure that if I recreate my Premiere project in this new file, that my video will be out of sync with the comp settings of the AE file.  Hopefully that makes sense.


How can I combine my AE animation with my Premiere project video without losing any quality?  I attached a few images.  One of them is what the quality looks like in Premiere.  The other is what the quality looks like in the rendered AE file.


I know it has something to do with the composition settings between the 2 files, but I don't know how to marry the two together.


Any help would be greatly appreciated. 

Dynamic link , Import and export






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Explorer ,
Nov 11, 2019 Nov 11, 2019

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After more testing, I found it was due to the RBG + Alpha export from AE.  The Quicktime output file is fine, but if it's combined with my Premiere project, I lose the quality.


I exported it from AE with a lossless format (no alpha channel) and it plays with full quality now in Premiere.  I just found another method to mix it in with my Premiere project.

This can be marked as solved, but I would love to hear how an alpha channel export can play well with Premiere, if anyone knows the answer.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 21, 2022 Feb 21, 2022

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bro i got the same issue since forever, exporting on After Effects then importing in Premiere Pro is not THE BEST solution, please help 😞 

When i import After Effects file into Premiere Pro, quality is perfect when the line is RED, when i press ENTER to render preview (GREEN), it loses quality... im sad






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Mentor ,
Nov 11, 2019 Nov 11, 2019

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Things to check in this case:


- export into a codec which supports alpha ((DNxHD and ProRes are recommended)

- pause and playback preview quality is set to full in PPro

- bits per channel settings are matching in AE and PPro

- interprete footage settings in PPro


If everythink turns out to be correct, try to export as image sequence. I always use this as fallback if I run into an quality or rendering isssue.







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Explorer ,
Feb 22, 2022 Feb 22, 2022

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If you need alpha make sure you render 'straight' not 'premultiplied'. I tend to use ProRes 4444 as it supports alpha.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 06, 2024 Feb 06, 2024

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This worked for me. My MOV file would import fine at first then when project was reopened would revert to a very noticeable loss in quality of the rendered animation from AE. Cheers 





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