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I have followed the tutorial for Mocha without issue, everything works.
When I try with my own footage it tracks fine, I quit out to AE and apply the tracking data to the layer Iwant to corner pin, the FIRST FRAME warps to the correct place and size, but no additional data is pasted on the timeline.
My footage is pulled from Premiere using "Replace with After Effects composition" (Dynamic Link) and as such is zoomed in and not full screen as is required by Mocha, so I alwasy pre-compose to both the source (tracked footage) and the target are the same dimentions.
Still doesnt work.
However, If I grab the raw footage internally in After effects, and make new comps, the tracking and the corner pinnign works. Why cant I use ths technique? because the part or the footage I want to track and the target are NOT from the start of the clip, and the correct places are editted in Premier. The only solutionI can think f is to render our these clips sperately in Prem and import them and track them. this is whole extra barrel of work.
Im suspecting its some problem with footage resolutions or frame rate, but it doesnt really make sense when if I grab the raw files I can get it to work.
Any ideas
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er... Im not sure you read my post?
It worked with one bit of footage but not with another, nothing to do with lacking features.
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did you find a solution? I have the same problem(