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Move entire compositions forward or backward in the timeline without ties to a certain time frame?

Community Beginner ,
Jun 12, 2024 Jun 12, 2024

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In AfterEffects I want to move a composition in the timeline. I want to first create the different drawing animations in my whiteboard doodle video without regard to position on the timeline and move them afterward to the correct time in my video. I truly won't know until later in the process when I want them to start and stop. I need a lot of flexibility to move different compositions forward or backward in the timeline without them being tied to a certain time of occurence in the video. When I try to slide a comp forward or back, the motion still occurs at the same time and moving the bar in the timeline just cuts off the beginning or ending without moving the action to a new spot. Is this possible? Eventually, I also want to be able to decrease or extend duration of the action in these comps. I believe this has to do with roving keyframes. Is this kind of flexibility possible?

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