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Mystery Effects I can't find controls for

Community Beginner ,
Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

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Hi, fairly inexperiended AE user, I know the basics and can usually overcome most issues from google but failing to get any answers to this one. So I have downloaded a template to from a subscription website. All was going well and i was able to adapt to my needs except for 2 mysteries. It comes from needing to extent the overall comp size to 0:01:45:00 from about 0:01:06:00 I have 2x issues at this point where the comp originally ended.

1: Theres a Fade to black, i just want to move this to the new end. However I cant find it any comps, or any layer. I've tried deleteing every layer and it doesnt vanish, ive looked in every compostion and cant see any visible effects or keyframes. Where could this be coming from?

2: All the effects suddenly end. This all seem to come from a layer called Scene control, I just need to strech the time so they carry on to the new ending but again theres no visible effects / keyframes to adjust. Time strech didnt change anything.

Not sure what you need suppling to have? anything specfic please let me know

Screenshot 2023-11-10 at 19.08.11.pngScreenshot 2023-11-10 at 19.18.49.png

Error or problem , How to






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Community Expert ,
Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

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It's hard to tell without seeing the project, but the effects you're referring to are just controls that other properties are linked to. They're not actual effects. My guess is that your pre-comps aren't long enough. Go inside those and make sure they're long enough and that all the layers run the full length of your composition. 





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

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Hi David, thanks for the quick reposnse, so I have already extended every comp i can see that was 0:01:06:00 to the new length. Happy to share the file for you guys if it will help, ill attach it incase but it wont have all the footage as the files are too big





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Community Beginner ,
Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

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I think ive figured it out. Loads of layers where hidden with the 'shy guy' icon which is where all the magic was happening. Thanks so much for looking into it David





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Community Expert ,
Nov 10, 2023 Nov 10, 2023

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Find the layer where the fade to black is not working, select the layer under the CTI (current time indicator), select it, and press the U key twice. If you don't see any animated properties or keyframes and the layer is a nested comp (Pre-comp), double-click the layer to open its timeline, select all layers, and press the U key twice to find all modified properties. You should be able to find keyframes or expressions. If you don't see anything causing the animation you don't like, dive in again and look for keyframes or expressions on any nested comps. Keep going until you are down to the layers. 


You should be able to figure out the layer or layers where the animation you want to change is happening. 


You can also go to Composition/Flowchart (Shift + Cmnd/Ctrl + F11), expand it, and look for layers and effects. Double-clicking on a layer in the flowchart will open that comp and select that layer. 





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