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Hi so i am working on a stop motion project, and i am having issues.
First to take out the wires and stuff is the best way still using mask? i try to use simple wire removal but the way the guy shot the stop motion, the wire he used is the same color as the charahcter and is from a left to right angle and for the most part simple wire was ok but since is at a angle it didn't take it out and it being the same color. . i don't know if that is leaving masking as the best option? the issue i am haivng with masking is that only at a point when it comes in to frame is when the mask comes in.. how do i get rid of the mask other wize?
Sec, there are 4 shots.. that are ment to be the same camera movment. the person didn't shot it locked down.. so the aligment for the 4 shots are not lined up right is like 97% lined up.. all the videos i found about tracking background is about fixing one shot with clean plate that 100% match.. is there a way to track something on all 4 footage and tell after effects to line them all up to match?
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Let's make it short: No point in describing invisible elephants. Show us screenshots/ reference frames. That aside you may want to read the AE online help. You sound massively confused and not even aware of some basic concepts. For instance "how do i get rid of the mask other wize?" is simply a matter of splitting layers suitably and having segments with and without masks.
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If you have the budget, Mocha Pro would be my tool of choice for what I think you are describing. Don't expect a two or three-click solution. A 7-second shot can take a week to clean up, or it could take an hour. It depends entirely on the shot.
Look on the Boris FX website for Training/Mocha Pro/Remove and you will find some examples of the workflow.