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Particle Trail Tracked Around Footage

New Here ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Hey there guys,


I've been tasked with using particles for a client video, and I'm not too experienced in the are so plz help!


I have to create a particle trail which signifies data moving from one place to another. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to look yet. The data trail is going to move through people doing sports, shot by shot, interacting with the environment and the people in the scene by moving behind them, whirling around things etc.


I know this is going to need a way of making particles, and then a way to comp into the scene.


I do have Trapcode Particular, but just tried to use it and it must be the most intensive thing I've ever used in my life. I have a pretty hefty machine and it grinds it to a halt.


How would you guys make the particles, and how would you go about realistically tracking into the scene?



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Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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Without seeing your footage and storyboards any discussion is pretty much pointless. And if Particular "grinds your machine to a halt" you either have overcranked your settings or there's a compatibility issue with e.g. the OpenGL particle renderer/ preview. Either way, you have not provided nearly enough info, screenshots, actual systzem specs etc. to even begin to make sense of this. Without any of this it only ends up as pointless guess work.







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Community Expert ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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I've found Particular sometimes has issues with the graphics card so that might explain the issues.  I have also noticed the Aux particles can really slow it down.

I'm a big fan of the included CC Particle World, although I will admit there's a learning curve to it.  

To link Particular to tracking data, you'll need to create a light named "Emitter".  A light is a 3D object so if you use camera tracking to generate a 3D camera, then the light will be in 3D space.


For CC Particle World, you can use expressions to link your particles to a 3D null and then it will work the same way.


These two tutorials might help with CC Particle World:







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Community Expert ,
Nov 17, 2023 Nov 17, 2023

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If you want particles to fly in front of and behind people, you will need to do some rotoscoping. If the camera is moving, you will also have to do some tracking. Mocha AE, AE's Camera Tracker, Mocha Pro, or Syntheyes may be required- it all depends on the shot. 


It is pretty simple to use expressions to adjust the scale of 3D layers to match the original 2D image so you can move the Particle emitter around in 3D space. Combine that with some tracking, and you can build your stage and fly the particles anywhere you want them to go.


If you have not shot the footage yet, some careful planning can save you hours of work. Not all shots will work, and difficult shots may require dozens or even hundreds of hours more to complete than shots that are easy to track, create mattes, or rotoscope. The last moving camera shot I worked on that needed effects to go between people, vehicles, and buildings required about 40 layers and took the better part of a 12-hour day. 


If you can, show us the shot, and we can give you some ideas. The only thing I know for sure is that it will take at least one masked, rotoscoped, tracked, or keyed copy of the original footage to put your particle stream behind anything.





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