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Preview Freezing a few minutes after I open After Effects

Community Beginner ,
Feb 10, 2024 Feb 10, 2024

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Hey, there. I use AE on my Dell XPS 15 9510 laptop. Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz, 2304 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s) with 64GB of RAM. 


Ever since updating to AE 24, I have been experiencing the same exact problem over and over again.


Every single time I open after effects, my preview works fine for a few minutes, and then all of a sudden the preview line freezes and only the green cache bar above runs. Everything else in the program works completely normally, but whatever I do, I cannot preview. The only thing fixing it is closing and reopening the program, and then, after a few minutes, repeating the cycle as the preview would inevitably freeze again


. I have already tried all the typical solutions: cleaning up the disc cache, purging everything, looking for any new uninstalled drivers , etc.


After a deeper dive i found out the issue might be something with the Audio hardware . I tried changing that in the preffrences swithing the audio from MME to SIO and then swithing back to MME again but that doesnt change anything. 

Crash , Performance






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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

Please collect a log and post it back here so we can see if there is anything in there to help you.


Help Menu -> Enable Logging

Restart AE

Get it into the no-preview state

Help Menu -> Reveal Logging Files


Find the "After Effects Log.txt" file, copy the contents and post back here, please. 



Adobe Employee ,
Feb 11, 2024 Feb 11, 2024

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Please collect a log and post it back here so we can see if there is anything in there to help you.


Help Menu -> Enable Logging

Restart AE

Get it into the no-preview state

Help Menu -> Reveal Logging Files


Find the "After Effects Log.txt" file, copy the contents and post back here, please. 





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Be kind and respectful, give credit to the original source of content, and search for duplicates before posting. Learn more
community guidelines
Community Beginner ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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Hey, thanks for the reply!

Here the text is too long; can I just share a part of it?


This is the text from the starting from the top of the document to  bottom 


Log file created: 02/14/24 12:06:22
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppVers> <5> App Version = 24.2x83 release
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> App Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> Executable Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> Resources Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> Package Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> Plugin Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Plug-ins
Ticks = 0 <13576> <AppDirs> <5> Required Dir = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Required
Ticks = 0 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG STARTUP
Ticks = 109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> U Birth U Birth
Ticks = 109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> U CPU Data LogicalCores:16, PhysicalCores:8, MMX:1, SSE:1 SSE2:1, SSE3:1, SSSE(MNI):1, SSE4_1:0, SSE4_2:1
Ticks = 109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> U Birth U Hog Birth
Ticks = 500 <13576> <ALOG> <5> FILE Birth FILE Birth
Ticks = 500 <13576> <ALOG> <5> M Birth M Birth
Ticks = 500 <13576> <ALOG> <5> RND Birth RND Birth
Ticks = 641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREF Birth PREF Birth
Ticks = 719 <13576> <CEggApp> <0> HelpTurnOnOffLogging
Ticks = 719 <13576> <ALOG> <5> VAL Birth VAL Birth
Ticks = 719 <13576> <ALOG> <5> MC Birth MC Birth
Ticks = 906 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp Splash screen shown
Ticks = 906 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG BIRTH Beginning Verify Environment
Ticks = 906 <13576> <ALOG> <5> COR Birth COR Birth
Ticks = 922 <13576> <ALOG> <5> COR Birth COR Birth Complete
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PLUG Birth PLUG Birth
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> TDB Birth TDB Birth
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> TDB Birth TDB StreamBase Birth
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PF Birth PF Birth
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> P Birth P Birth
Ticks = 953 <13576> <ALOG> <5> TXT Birth TXT Birth
Ticks = 969 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp About to Init Media Core
Ticks = 984 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init PRM
Ticks = 984 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init BE
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init ImporterHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init ExporterHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init VideoRenderer
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init AudioFilterHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init AudioSupport
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init ProjectConverterHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init VideoFilterHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init Player Host
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init AccleratedRendering
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init DynamicLinkMedia
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init TransmitHost
Ticks = 1000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init DisplaySurface
Ticks = 1016 <19492> <DynamicLink> <5> Increase wait time to 2
Ticks = 2922 <13576> <DisplaySurface> <5> [DirectX] Initializing DirectXContext...
Ticks = 3016 <13576> <DisplaySurface> <5> [DirectX] Initialize DirectXContext succeeded.
Ticks = 3109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREM MediaCoreData About to Init DVAMediaBrowser
Ticks = 3109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp Finished Initing Media Core
Ticks = 3109 <13576> <ALOG> <5> EGG IEggApp Media Core initialized successfully
Ticks = 3219 <10944> <AnywhereLocalClient> <5> Local Hub HTTP port retrieved, port: 53055
Ticks = 3453 <10944> <GPUFoundation> <5> Done loading modules, sec: 0.297644, device: CUDA(0)
Ticks = 3453 <10944> <GPUFoundation> <5> Done loading modules, sec: 0.238195, device: OpenCL(1)
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN PS3 Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN TIFF Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN RLA Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN CIN Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN EI Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN ZPIC Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN JSX Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN YM Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN PS Birth
Ticks = 8422 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PIN Birth PIN D_MC Birth
Ticks = 8437 <13576> <ALOG> <5> SND Birth SND Birth
Ticks = 8437 <13576> <ALOG> <5> OM Birth OM Birth
Ticks = 8437 <13576> <ALOG> <5> FLT Birth ALOG Birth
Ticks = 8437 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PR Birth PR Birth
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <FontServer> <5> 2 ctSync_msec:0 ctSeed:0 dicts:419 total_msec:279
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE Birth
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <BEE_WorkQueue> <5> BEE_Project::TimestampGetNext ZANZIBAR-3: cannot produce timestamp, frozen=0, open=0
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <BEE_WorkQueue> <5> BEE_Project::TimestampGetNext ZANZIBAR-3: cannot produce timestamp, frozen=0, open=0
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <BEE_WorkQueue> <5> BEE_Project::TimestampGetNext ZANZIBAR-3: cannot produce timestamp, frozen=0, open=0
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE Eval Birth
Ticks = 8719 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE Stream Birth
Ticks = 8734 <13576> <FontServer> <5> - SetDefaultByScript:kCTRomanScript=>351:TimesNewRomanPSMT/TrueTypeFont
Ticks = 8734 <13576> <FontServer> <5> - Substitute Created:[434:Myriad-Roman/Type1Font=>TimesNewRomanPSMT/TrueTypeFont]
Ticks = 8734 <13576> <FontServer> <5> - Substitute Created:[435:AdobeInvisFont/Type1Font=>TimesNewRomanPSMT/TrueTypeFont]
Ticks = 8734 <13576> <FontServer> <5> - Substitute Created:[436:AdobeSansMM/Type1Font=>TimesNewRomanPSMT/TrueTypeFont]
Ticks = 8750 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE TextAnimatorDispatch Birth
Ticks = 8750 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE TextListener Birth
Ticks = 8750 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Birth BEE StyleListener Birth
Ticks = 8750 <13576> <ALOG> <5> FRP Birth FRP PinListener Birth
Ticks = 8781 <13576> <MEE_Plugins> <5> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files
Ticks = 8781 <13576> <MEE_Plugins> <5> C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Plug-Ins\CC
Ticks = 8781 <13576> <MEE_Plugins> <5> C:\Program Files\Adobe\Common\Plug-ins\7.0\MediaCore
Ticks = 9250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEGPDriver Birth AEGPDriver Birth
Ticks = 9266 <13576> <Plug_Scan> <1> Total: 0.482255, PiPL: 0.0730301
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE 3D Tracker
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE 3D Glasses2
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE 3D Glasses
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: VISINF Grain Implant
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Alpha Levels2
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Alpha Levels3
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Apply Color LUT2
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Apply Color LUT
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Arithmetic
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE AudSpect
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE AudWave
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud BT
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Delay
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud_Flange
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud HiLo
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Stereo Mixer
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Modulator
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Param EQ
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Reverb
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Reverse
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE Aud Tone
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE AutoColor
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE AutoContrast
Ticks = 9328 <13576> <FLT> <4> Load success Effect: ADBE AutoLevel


And here is a section from the same txt file starting from the bottom of the page towards the top 



Ticks = 1580078 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Close Project
Ticks = 1580250 <13576> <BEE_WorkQueue> <5> BEE_WorkQueue_PreCloseProject start
Ticks = 1580250 <13576> <BEE_WorkQueue> <5> BEE_WorkQueue_PreCloseProject end
Ticks = 1580266 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580266 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580281 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do Set Selection
Ticks = 1580391 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580391 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580562 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580562 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580594 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580594 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580594 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580594 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580609 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580641 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580656 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580672 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580687 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580703 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580703 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1580969 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581000 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581047 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581047 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581172 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do Set Selection
Ticks = 1581219 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do Set Selection
Ticks = 1581219 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581219 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do Set Selection
Ticks = 1581219 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Set Layer Param
Ticks = 1581219 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do Set Selection
Ticks = 1581250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> DynamicLinkPlugin ProjectClosed file="C:\History Marche\CONTARF\Clontarf.aep"
Ticks = 1581250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> DynamicLinkPlugin UpdateProjectList supresscounter=0
Ticks = 1581250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEDynamicLinkServer ServerImpl NOTIFYING PROJECTS CHANGED
Ticks = 1581250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE Command Do New Project
Ticks = 1581250 <13576> <ALOG> <5> BEE New Project Creating root folder
Ticks = 1581266 <13284> <ALOG> <5> BEE New Project Creating root folder
Ticks = 1581344 <13576> <Scripting> <5> Executing startup/shutdown script at: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects 2024\Support Files\Scripts\Shutdown\About the Shutdown folder.txt
Ticks = 1581359 <13576> <ALOG> <5> MC MC_StopAllAsyncWork MC_StopAllAsyncWork
Ticks = 1582344 <13576> <ALOG> <5> FLT Death FLT Death
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> RQMonitorPlugin DeathHook refcon=cfcd4c90
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> RQMonitorPlugin dtor destroyed=cfcd4c90
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> RQMonitorListenerManager dtor destroying with 0 listeners
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEGPDriver Unload Skipping unloading of Anywhere
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEGPDriver Unload Skipping unloading of CEPManager
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEGPDriver Unload Skipping unloading of MediaBrowser
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> AEGPDriver Unload Skipping unloading of Scripting
Ticks = 1582625 <13576> <ALOG> <5> PREF Death PREF Death



Tnaks in advance !










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Adobe Employee ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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We'll need all of the log file or at least the part that is related to rendering. If it won't post here completely, you could do multiple replies, or host the file somewhere we can download.





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Community Beginner ,
Feb 14, 2024 Feb 14, 2024

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Community Beginner ,
Feb 29, 2024 Feb 29, 2024

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Did you manage to find anything?  The problem has been persisting for a while now 





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