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So it took me a bit to figure out, but after creating a comp at 60fps and working in it all day, keyframing, animating and the norm, I noticed my renders were playing back faster than what I was seeing in my previews. I double checked my comp settings, rendered out of AE instead of ME, triple checked my renders settings, tried playing back in a different player than Quicktime. I even brought my render in to my original comp and overlayed it with a mask to make sure playback was normal, surprised it was. I watched my preview renders again and again, and yes they had the green render bar. I started watching the playhead and realized it seemed to be playing in real time, but the time code disply was 2x slower than real time. So I went in to my Preview panel and low and behold, it was set to 30FPS. Making all sense why my timeline seemed slower than my render. I never changed my preview settings, ever!! Always thought it was locked to what you create your comp at. Its not. Anytime you change your preview frame rate, it stays with all new comps and previous comps. The only time it stays with the comp is if you choose Auto. Not sure if this is new to 24 version or not.
AE 24.0.3 Build 2
Mac Studio - M1 Ultra
Pete O.
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