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I need to start animation from a certain point, from the very bottom of the leaf. for that I need to set that vertex as the start point. No way I can do that. I drew everythng in Illustrator converted all of them in shape layer in AE. but the trim layer starting from the middle. set vertex is also greyed out. please help me.
Start by choosing the Selection tool (v) and then digging down in the shape layer contents to the correct path. You should then be able to move the pointer close to the point you want to use as the first vertex, see a change in the pointer's shape, and drag a selection around the vertex you want to set as the First Vertex. This is much easier to do with the Selection Tool than the Pen tool, but you have to have the path selected in the timeline.
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Start by choosing the Selection tool (v) and then digging down in the shape layer contents to the correct path. You should then be able to move the pointer close to the point you want to use as the first vertex, see a change in the pointer's shape, and drag a selection around the vertex you want to set as the First Vertex. This is much easier to do with the Selection Tool than the Pen tool, but you have to have the path selected in the timeline.
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Thank you So much for guiding me.